Chapter 1

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"Camden, lets go!" My mom yelled from downstairs. "Wait a minute!" I screamed back. I could feel her rolling her eyes at my remark so I did the same. I zipped up my suitcase and ran downstairs.

"I'm here now, happy?" I sassed. "Quite content." She sarcastically spoke. "Alright, lets a get a move on!" My dad hollered to my four siblings plus me. We all rolled our suitcases out the door and loaded all of our luggage into the car.

"The moving trucks already left, Eileen." My dad informed my mom. She nodded while placing her suitcase in the trunk. "Alright, time for me to count." She said making me groan.

Since my mom and dad have five children they're always afraid they'll lose or forget a kid, so when I was about five they decided they would count us before we went off to someplace.

"Okay, Andrew?" My mom called waiting for my brother to respond.





"Yeah i'm here, even though I wish I wasn't." I said whispering the last part.




"Here mother."

I almost gagged at the fake 'mother', she always tried to be the favorite. "Alrighty, everyone's here Thomas!" My mom hollered to my dad. He gave her a thumbs up before we all climbed into the car.

After about twenty minutes of listening to music and driving to the airport I remembered something, "Wait, mom I forgot something!" I yelled making the car swerve. "Jesus Christ Camden! What did you forget!?" My mom screamed.

"Oh wait, it was just my happiness, never mind." I shook my head.

I felt all my siblings glare at me; some ritual that they do to me every time I talk. "Camden, you'll be happy once we get to Australia, don't worry." My mom groaned.

"Mom, I'm not even happy, how is Australia instantly gonna make me happy?" I questioned. She sighed, "I don't know, maybe you'll meet some friends, plus Aleshia's gonna be there! Won't it be nice to see her again?" My mom smiled.

I shrugged, "I guess."

She took another deep breath in. I put my earphones back in as I listened to the Guitar chords in 'I Miss You' by Blink-182, one of my favorite bands.

"Hey, what are you listening to!?" My brother, Oscar said tearing my phone out of my hand. "Give it back!" I demanded reaching for it. Oscar tossed it to my sister Perry. "Blink-182? I miss you? What is this? I've always been disgusted by your taste in music!" She exclaimed in disgust.

"And you in general!" My sister, Brianna chimed in. My eyes started to well with tears.

I've always had an issue with people making fun of me and I've just always had an issue, I have anxiety and suffer from severe depression but my mom doesn't realize it, my dad's the one who helps me out mostly.

Those tears started to fade, my face began to grown hot with anger.

"Give me back my god damn phone! You bitch!" I screamed slapping my sister across the face and snatching my phone back. Everyone gasped as my sister gripped her reddening cheek.

"Camden Elise McAllen! What do you have to say for yourself!? That was very rude and violet and we do not except violence in this family! Apologize to your sister!" My mom demanded.

I rolled me eyes, "Sorry, please forgive me for my actions!" I exaggerated. "No she isn't! Mom she's lying!" Brianna screamed. "Camden, show that you care!" My mom snapped. "Well sorry but I can't do that 'cause she deserved it, you inconsiderate bitch!" I said turning around to see my sister.

I felt my mom slap my knee. "Camden!" She shrieked. I rolled my eyes and slumped back in my seat. The rest of the ride was silent; besides my dad and mom mumbling to each other.

We all unloaded our luggage from the car and walked through the airport. Aleshia was texting me frantically saying how excited she was to see me, show me all her friends, and other shit like that.

I never really cared for friends, I mean I had a few back home but I'm pretty sure most of them were fake; the only real one was my friend Lilly, she got me and we had similar interests so that was swell until I had to fucking move across the world!

We went through security and walked to our gate before boarding the plane.    

There was three more days left of summer, everyone was probably coming back from vacation or something like that, not moving across the world. To be honest I was quite anxious, I didn't know what the Australian kids or people were gonna think of me, most American people thought I was weird or strange so why wouldn't they?

We boarded the plane and I just listened to music and got some sleep most of the time. Finally we landed in the 'sunny, beautiful' Australia. I got my carry-on up top and walked off the plane meeting my family on the way.

We all grabbed our suitcases as we looked for a taxi to take us to our new house.

We pulled up to a medium-ish sized house, it was painted white with navy blue shutters. I walked up the stone pathway and slowly opened the navy blue door.

There were wooden floors, and a wooden banister. I looked around in awe. "Well kids either you can go look at the rest of the house or run upstairs and see who'll get the best bedroom first." My dad announced.

We all made a run for it, of course my siblings tripped me and made sure that I was in the back, I was used to it.

I ended up getting the room at the end of the hall. The room was painted white which I didn't mind but I'd be redoing some of it, the room had wooden floors, perfect for me to dance on because I'm a dancer, I had a walk in closet; not huge like my parents had back at home but it'll do, there was two windows; about the same size.

Over all I really liked my room. I started to unpack some of my clothes; which consists of band Ts, black skinny jeans, converse and vans, and that's about it.

I smiled when I looked at my 'All Time Low' shirt. I've always admired their music, who am I kidding? I admired all punk-rock music.

I heard a loud thud and whipped in the direction of the sound. I saw Perry standing there with her arms crossed and two boxes laying at her feet.

"There yours." She spat. I walked over to her and scooped the boxes up. Before I could respond she dropped my guitar that was thankfully in is case. "Thanks." I mumbled sarcastically. "You know, I was debating to throw you disgraceful stuff out the window, but I wouldn't want to make you cry because you're 'emo' which is short for 'emotional', which you are you spawn of Satan, it was kinda like when I was debating to throw you out the window when you were little." She cackled.

I gulped knowing that I'm pretty sure everyone would want to do that, sometimes I wished I could do that, if I weren't myself I'd throw me out the window.

She turned on her heel and walked down the hall. I let out a loud sigh and opened up the two boxes; one were clothes the other one was my records and CD's. I placed my escape; my guitar at the corner of my room and smiled.

God I don't know if I'm liking Australia or not so far.

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