Chapter 8

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Luke's POV:

We all just sat there in silence before we heard a door shut, so we thought they we about to do it.

I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed that Calum got Camden. The good news though was that she didn't seem interested.

"Guys... I think we should go check on them." Ashton giggled. We all nodded and ran upstairs yelling.

We all quickly died down once we saw Calum standing there. "Calum, what happened?" Ashton asked walking over.

"S-She got angry and left." He mumbled. "Well Calum, you gotta do it right!" Mali joked but nobody laughed.

"I'll go talk to her." Michael said walking towards the door before I stopped him.

"No, I'll do it." I assured him before grabbing the car keys and driving off to her house.

I hesitantly knocked on her front door which was swung open by the third knock.

"Who are you?" A girl about twelve asked. "U-Uh, I'm Luke, Camden's friend, uh, is this her house?" I asked nervously.

"Correction, it's our house. But yes, she lives here. Now what do you want?" She hissed.

"Is she home?" I asked.

"No, she's at a friends house, she said she was going out tonight." She informed me while crossing her arms.

"Oh yeah, um, she wanted me to get her something from her room, uh, may I please come in?" I asked.

"Wait. Were you hanging out with her?" She asked squinting her eyes at me. I gulped and nodded. She let out a loud gasp, "Camden isn't supposed to hang out with boys!" She shrieked I covered a hand over her mouth.

She looked down at it and licked it making me groan in disgust. "Just, get what you want from her room, and leave." She said pointing up the stairs.

I nodded thank you and sprinted up the stairs. The hallway was long, with about five rooms each, how was I supposed to find it?

I bumped into a boy a bit older than me, about seventeen or eighteen. "Hey um, I'm Luke, do you know where Camden's room is?" I asked.

He scanned my body and walked away. What the hell is wrong with this family? I just decided to take a guess and I opened a door to someone's room.

There was a girl sitting there doing her make up. "Hey, who are you!?" She commanded.

"Oh, uh, I'm Luke." I shrugged awkwardly. She scanned my body, what the fuck is with this family and looking over people's appearances?

"You're kinda cute." She smirked. "Uh, thanks? Do you know where Camden's room is?" I asked hoping she would leave me alone and just give me the god damn directions to her room.

But instead she pinned me up against her bedroom wall. "You're pretty sexy." She mumbled looking down at my lips.

Before I could even respond she slammed her lips onto mine. I didn't kiss back, I just let her do what she wanted to do to get it over with.

She pulled away and sighed. "It's the last room down the hall to the left." She said twirling her hair around her finger.

I nodded and hurried down the hall. I opened the door and there she sat.

She had her guitar in her hand with the lights off. "Luke?" She questioned.

Camden's POV:

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