Chapter 6

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I walked into the house and plopped my backpack down on the ground. I walk into the living room as I heard my siblings all whispering to each other.

I raised an eyebrow as they all glanced over, giving me a smirk. "What?" I question slightly nervous.

"Oh nothing, who was the guy you were talking to?" Perry cooed making me roll my eyes. "His names Luke, he's a musician; like me, we're good friends, so leave me alone." I hissed.

"You know, mom and dad don't like it when you talk to boys." Brianna informed me sassily. "Yeah, I know and I don't care." I snapped.

"Well would you want mom and dad to get mad at you, again, for some dumb action?" She questioned. I rolled my eyes, "Getting a guitar isn't a dumb action Bri."

"Yes it is! You could've gotten a much better instrument to learn how to play, but instead you got a guitar." She said in complete disgust.

"Oh really? Than what is such a grand instrument for me to play, huh? I would love to know!" I yelled. "I don't know, mom thought you'd be good at violin but I beg to differ." She sighed.

I scrunched up my nose in disgust, "Ew, there's no way in hell would I play a 'classical' instrument!" I exclaimed making her roll her eyes.

In my family we all played an instrument, Andrew played the saxophone, Perry played the flute, I played the guitar, Oscar played the piano, and Brianna played the harp.

"Well you know, you shouldn't be disgusted at an instrument, what you should really be disgusted at is your face!" Andrew yelled earning many 'ooo's' from my siblings.

"Yeah, you look worse than your dumb music sounds!" Oscar cackled. "It's not dumb!" I screamed. "Yeah, it is!" Perry groaned.

I felt my jaw clench making me shake all over. God how they made me angry.

"And I'm sure you have no friends, poor Luke probably felt bad for you, that's why he 'escorted' you home. Aleshia too, I bet they wants you dead!" He yelled back.

I couldn't take it, I swung my fist at him; hitting him right in the nose. He fell back onto the couch groaning in pain.

I started kicking and punching him, "Don't you ever, say anything about my music you dumb little fuck!" I screamed kicking him one last time in the 'area'.

They all gasped as I whipped around. I punch Perry in the boob; even though she has none and slapped Brianna hard across the face.

Oscar probably ran out of the room attempting to get my mom and dad's attention.

Well he did; considering my mom stormed into the room gasping at the sight of her children rolling on the ground in pain.

"What happened!?" My mom roared. "Camden, attacked each and everyone of us for just giving her the idea of playing the violin." Oscar said sweetly.

"No you didn't! You all made fun of my taste in music and how I played the guitar! You also rudely gave me the idea of playing the violin you lil shit!" I screamed.

I felt my mom smack the side of my head in response. "Camden, I'm done with your foul language and your attitude! You better not act this way in school or else!" My mom threatened.

"Or else what? You'll put me up for adoption? I'd love to get adopted by a different family than live with you assholes!" I growled.

"Camden, I will send you away to a freaking boarding school for manners! Where they'll have no music, no 'fangirling', just school. And that's it!" My mom yelled storming out of the room.

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