Chapter two

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I woke up due to the sound of my sister slamming the bathroom door shut.

"Mother, where's my hairbrush!?" She screeched making me cover my head with a pillow.

"I don't know! Not all of our stuff has came yet, but a lot of it came last night, so check in those boxes!" She yelled back.

I climbed out of my sleeping bag that I had to sleep in 'cause I had no bed at the moment.

I stumbled into my bathroom that was connected to my room, thank god. I jumped into the shower once the water turned hot. I turned the volume all the way up and blared 'Good Charlotte' songs while I was in the shower. A song from one of the first album I bought came on. 'The Anthem' from their album 'The Young and Hopeless' rang in my ears making me sing and dance around in the shower.

I of course; being the klutz I am, slipped and banged my head causing me probably another concussion.

I quickly shut the shower off after that and dried myself off with a tower. Since it was supposed to get up to the hundreds today I decided to put on a pair of my black ripped jean shorts, and a 'Panic! At the Disco' Tank top.

I wanted to go out and explore the wonders of Australia today, after all Sydney seemed like a cool place, right?

"Hey mom." I greeted grabbing a banana off the kitchen counter.

"Hey sweetheart." My mom huffed as she flipped a pancake. "Can I go to Aleisha's today? I wanna explore Australia without getting completely lost." I chuckled.

She wiped a her forehead as she looked over at me. "I mean sure, just I want you to get all of your unpacking done today... school starts in a day, remember?" She sighed.

I groaned at the mentioning of school. "We also need to go shopping for food and I need to get you guys school supplies, maybe Aleshia's mum could show me around, huh? Yeah I'll see if she wants to go out for lunch and then we'll go shopping." My mom said talking to herself.

I nodded and walked out of the kitchen going to go find my dad. He was caring in our sofa as Andrew helped him.

"Need any help?" I asked.

"No, I think we'll be fine without your help." Oscar sassed while caring our coffee table. My dad shot him a glare and he quickly quieted down.

"Sure Camden, um.. here! Can you go bring those boxes up to everyone's room, please?"

I nodded while I stacked all the boxes on top of each other. I lifted them up off the ground and started to bring them to everyone's room; I felt like a mailman.

I plopped Andrews boxes down on his bed, Oscars on his because they shared a room, I rushed into Brianna's room and handed her boxes to her quickly before rushing off to Perry's.

She was applying her makeup as she spotted me through her vanity mirror.

"What do you want?" She hissed. "Nothing, just wanted to inform you that you look extra flat today and staring at it won't help," I informed her.

Her jaw dropped and she looked both at her butt and boobs that were both pretty small. I started laughing like crazy.

I dropped her boxes on the floor for payback. "See ya, you hoe!" I giggled.

I skipped back into my room and started unpacking my boxes. They were just some more clothes and shoes and albums.

I sighed as I put them all away. My dad let out a loud sigh as he placed three boxes of mine on my bedroom floor. "For you madam!" My dad bowed. I giggled, me and my dad had always had a good relationship, well... it was better than my mom's and I.

"The rest of your posters are here, and your bed and dresser will be here later this after noon." He explained.

I smiled widely and nodded. He patted my shoulder before leaving. I didn't hang up my posters yet because I wanted to paint my walls a different color.

I decided to text Aleshia to come over and she'll show me around and help me pick out wall colors.

. . .

I heard the door bell ring and I let out a scream of excitement. I swung the door open and there one of my best friends stood.

Aleisha McDonald, she had blond hair and blue eyes, she was about medium height and had a perfect body, but it wasn't a showy body either.

"Camden!" She squealed pulling me into a hug.

I gave her a bear hug back; knowing I could never beat Aleisha's hugs. We pulled away smiling. "Oh my lord! Baby Jesus! You've grown so much since I've seen you! Not height wise, but you know what I mean," She said whispering that last part. I chuckled at her remark, her accent making it every funnier

"I can't wait to show you around! And just have you meet all the people here, ah!" She yelled making my mom quickly enter the room.

"Is everyone okay!?" She asked frantically. "Yes mom." I groaned she sighed. "Hello Aleisha, how've you been?" My mom greeted with a cheesy smile.

"Fantastic Mrs. McAllen, never been better, how about you?" She asked sweetly almost making me wanna gag.

I knew Aleisha, she was a good kid, she was more into pop and hippie music than punk-rock but we both understood each other, we were both devoted musicians looking for a future in the music world.

"I'm doing well Aleisha, thank you for asking." My mom smiled. I rolled me eyes.

"Mom, can you let me and Aleisha go now? I wanna see Australia." I whined. She nodded dismissing us from whatever the hell we were doing.

"What do you wanna do first?" She asked. I shrugged, "I don't know, I wanna go to the store and get black paint first though." I said.

She gave me a funny look. "Camden, you aren't a goth are you?" She asked nervously. "What? No, I'm am not a goth, I'm fucking emo! How many times do I have to explain this! E-m-o, emo! That's what I am! It's short for emotional, which I am, thanks for informing me! But no I don't enjoy death nor am I into vampire romance novels and shit! Why doesn't anyone get that!?" I raged.

She seemed a bit taken aback by my outburst. "Sorry." I mumbled. She shrugged, "Its alright, I should be the one who's sorry." She said.

We opened the front door to the hardware store, we looked for black chalkboard paint and as soon as we did we got it, I paid for it using my debit card, I know this sounds spoiled but my parents are pretty loaded, I don't want that to come off as rude just both of them are doctors and are really good at their job.

That's why we're able to move to Australia and pay for five children.

Aleisha and I made a few more stops before I went home.

"Call me later, okay?" She asked. I smiled and nodded knowing that I'd have at least one friend here in Australia.

Funny to say it but, I guess Australia is my new home.

Just friends||lrhHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin