Chapter 7

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Finally Friday came.

Me and Michael decided that we wouldn't tell anybody about my episode and just tell them that I wasn't feeling good or something.

We all sat down in the music room, not really playing but discussing what we were going to do at Calum's.

"So Cal, are any other girls coming? I don't want to be the only one." I chuckled. Calum shrugged, "I mean my sister and her hot friend Alex are gonna be there but that's about it."

I sighed, "Can we at least invite a couple of girls over? I mean, I know a few." I said smirking.

Calum rolled his eyes, "No we're not inviting Sierra over." All the boys smirked along with me.

"Oh, who's this Sierra girl that Cal's been talking about, even though I know perfectly well who she is." Michael cooed making him roll his eyes.

"No one!" Calum yelled getting aggravated. "Ooo, Cal has a crush!" Luke teased.

"No, leave me the fuck alone!" He yelled pushing a chair out of the way and stormed out of the room.

I gulped, scared at the sight of an angry Calum.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for him to get mad, I just thought that it w-" Luke said before cutting him off.

"No Luke, it's okay, it's my fault I shouldn't have brought it up." I said placing a hand on his that was gently resting on his thigh.

Michael slowly looked between me and Luke before letting out a little giggle. "What?" I asked curious of what he was laughing about. "Oh, nothing. I'll go talk to Calum, you guys stay here." He said before exiting the room.

I looked back at me and Luke's hands that were still resting against each other, I wanted to pull away but I couldn't, and I didn't want too at the same time.

"Hey, um, Luke?" I asked. He looked at me with his pretty blue eyes before nodding. "Um, do you mind if a friend tags along? Her names Stella, she goes to a high school a couple minutes away from here I think, it's okay if you say no I was just wondering." I shrugged.

He shrugged, "I mean, it's really Calum's decision; it's his house so he has every right to say who can come over and who can not."

I nodded feeling slightly disappointed. "I know, I just don't want it to seem awkward, you know, me being the only girl." I said.

He placed his hand on top of mine, "Hey, Cal's sister is gonna be there and so is her friend. They'll probably be hanging out with us and you'll be fine, don't worry." He assured me.

I smiled, "Thanks Hemmings."

"No problem Shorty." He smiled back to me.

We sat there in an awkward silence still having our hands rest on top of each other's. "Hey you two love birds, lets go!" Michael hollered.

We both glanced at each other before tugging our hands away.

And what a strange feeling it felt like too.

. . .

"Mom! I'm going out!" I yelled grabbing the car keys. Right before I walked out the front door she stepped right in front of me.

"Where are you going?" She asked scanning my whole body, probably looking for any 'exposed' skin.

"To a friends." I said crossing my arms. I could here my siblings snicker from the living room making me roll my eyes.

"Which friend?" She asked.

"Aleisha's." I lied. To be honest, I haven't heard from Aleisha in the last few days.

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