Amusment Park pt. 1

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"Eeeeeek" I squealed silently as we walked up to the huge gate. I smiled widely as we walked through, my eyes widened as I saw a bunch of couples holding hands and sitting together. "There is so many couples" I shut my eyes. "Haha aren't there?" JB laughed and patted my back. I nodded my head violently walking faster to get out of the area. I stopes when I spotted ice cream. I slowly walked closer to the small stall drooling a bit. I looked through my purse as I looked for my wallet. I glanced behind me and saw Got7 sitting on benches. They are so beautiful . I thought. I grabbed my wallet and ordered 6 vanilla and 2 chocolate ice creams. "Miss do you need help with that?" I worker laughed. I laughed along with the old man "yes thank you" I grabbed as many as I could as he grabbed a carb ours with holes in them. I skipped along and stopped at the bench. "Here" I handed them each ice cream. "HOW COMW MARK IS DIFFERNWT?" Youngjae said in English. "Because he like chocolate" I said in a 'duh' tone. I happily licked my chocolate ice cream and played with my purse as I looked for rides. "How about we go on that one?!" I pointed at the Ferris wheel. "Ok!!" Jackson shouted. "I want to partnered up with MinMin" Mark softly said. I nodded and got into the cart. We were high up in the sky in silence. I admired the scenery trying to ignore Mark. "Min ae" he called softly. He called me by my name so it must be serious. I looked towards him and tilted my head. "I'm not trying to sound rude but um, can you stop flirting with me?" He looked up with those eyes. Flirting?! I think he could tell I was confused "I- I like someone else right now so, um yea...I didn't do those generous things because I like you, I just hope we can stay friends...and-" I couldn't take his words anymore. "Flirting? Sorry if you thought that, I just wanted to do down thing for everyone and I knew you favorite flavor was chocolate." I interrupted. He looked uneasy "Soooo who is the girl you like????" I nudged him. I listened I him of how he admires her and how much he likes her, I continued to listen even though it hurts. The ride finally ends and I can end the pain, I ran to Jinyoung and hugged him "what's wrong Min ae" he asked worriedly. "Mark is scaring me" I stuck my tongue at him. "What did he do" Jinyoung smiled. "He talked about a girl" I whispered. Jinyoung laughed and patted my head. "Jinnie" I called out because I was getting left behind. I didn't want to stay alone with Mark for it is to painful. "J-Jinnie?" Jinyoung repeated. "Yes, you don't like it?" I pouted. "N-no, I like it" he blushed. "I betta but in before you too become a thing" Jackson winked. "YAH!" I hit his chest.

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