Where am I? Heaven?

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"Noah Alexander! You'd better not be reading in that tree again!" My mom called out the back door. Of course i was. It was my favorite place to read. She was always worried i'd fall out of the tree and break a few bones. Of course i suppose i could but i was always careful. I climbed up the tree with the spine of the book in my mouth. I was careful not to slip.

I heard the wind pick up and looked up from my book. This one was a really good one. There was a huge sea monster that attacks ships. It had me hooked. Then i heard a crack of thunder. It looked like...rain. Before i could finish the thought the rain poured down from the sky. As i slipped the book into my mouth i flipped around in the tree to scale down but it was already wet and i slipped. I fell to the ground with a hard thud. My mom was going to kill me.

I opened my eyes. "What the heck? Where am I?" I sat up and looked around. All I saw were white clouds. Well guess my mom wasn't going to have to kill me. It seems i was already dead. But i fell from the tree really hard. The wind wasn't even knocked out of me. My head didn't hurt and i landed on my right arm. It should've snapped or something.

Some of the clouds started to disperse and I saw a round brick building going up as far as my eyes could see. Finally I'll get some answers. I thought standing up. I walked to the door and gave it a hard rap. "Hello?" I called out. The top half of the door opened and an angry looking man called out. "We're closed." He looked down. "Oh! It's you!" He said his eyes lighting up.

                            He had white hair and a big nose. With thin wire glasses perched on the end. He was wearing a maroon suit with a dark green bow tie. He disappeared and the top half of the door closed. Then the whole door opened and I was taken aback.

                           "Wh-What are you?" I asked. "A munchkin." He replied matter-of-factly. "You mean a little person?" I asked. "No, and we don't like to be called that!!" He said. "I'm Theodore Abbott. Now, come inside." He said holding the door open. "Where am i?" I asked. "Here." "Obviously but where is here?" I asked. "No that's the name of the town." "Not terribly original." I said. "I know, our ancestors weren't terribly bright, now come in my boy." He said holding his arm out.

                             I walked inside. This was the most amazing tower I'd ever seen. Books went up as far as the eye could see. "Woah, where am I?" I asked. He had a mischievous glint in his eye. "Why a library of course." He said his lips twitching into the smallest of smiles.

                            "This is the most amazing library I've ever seen and trust me sir I've seen my fair share. I love to read." I said. "Then you should have no trouble picking out a book, go on now. " "But how do I know which book to pick? I mean i could and would want to read many of the amazing books." "Don't worry boy, the right book will find you." He said. "Do i need a library card or will the one for my library work?" I asked. "Of course, here you are." He pulled a white card out of his pocket. In thick black letters was my name. Noah Alexander.

                              Yep, that's it. I must be dead. "I'll be over here if you need anything." Theodore said going to a large wooden desk. I looked around, unsure how the right book would find me. As I scanned the shelves a book caught my eye and started to sparkle. But the book was up really high.

                               I saw a moving ladder. So I moved it to where the book was and started to climb. When I reached the top, I looked down. Which was a big mistake because I was really high up now. I grabbed the book and started to walk back down the ladder.

                               I made my way to the wooden desk. I handed the book to Theodore. Ah I see you've found the right book." He said. "Right, so now what?" I asked. "Oh you'll need a place to stay." "Uh, what?" I asked. "Yes, you cant sleep on the streets now boy. Go out this door down a few feet you'll see a tall yellow building. Go on now. Maize will be there to help you." "Wait i'm sorry there is some misunderstanding. Am i dead?" I asked. "Well not yet." he said a mischievous look in his eye. "Not yet what does that mean?!" I asked my eyes growing wide. "The book will explain it all." He said. "Now go on." He said. "Look no you're not understanding me. If i'm not dead i don't want to stay here." I said.

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