Deep feeling

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It was the hottest day of the year up in California. '105°' Tom didn't mind though not at all. He bathed in fire. 105° was nothing. He was heading over the the Diaz's because he was sure they were bored out of their minds. Tom wasn't the type to ya know 'help' but he wanted to see his lovely mar- no star, his lovely star butterfly.  He snapped his fingers and showed up in Marcos room, right in front of him while sitting in his chair. A fan on him and icepack on his forehead. Marco moaned.
"Whyyyh iisssss it sooooo hoooot?" Tom smirked
"I don't know I guess I am really hot ain't I Marco?" Marco screeched and about fell out of his chair when he heard toms voice.
"REALLY TOM!! UHG!!" Tom laughed "oops"
   Star walked in the room face droopy and hair all tangled into a mess.
"Marco why is it sooooooooo hooooooot?" She walked and layed onto his bed. Only seconds later did she notice tom.
"Uhg waddya want?" She layed all sprawled out.
"First I'd like you to lay like a lady! Your kinda showing some stuff here and we have someone in here who has never seen you naked before" he laughed. Star pulled her dress down and sat up in a flash, blushing madly. Marco also blushing as well.
"W-wait you mean you've seen her naked before?" Marco looked at tom.
"Well I mean you probably have too so" he shrugged.
"TOM!" they both shouted. "what?" He laughed.
"Could we please just stop bringing up the 'me naked' thing. Kinda gets annoying" star wiped sweat from her brow.
"I think its hot" tom grinned. Marco became frustrated,
"OK tom why are you here?"
"Weeeeell I noticed you guys were super hot and sweaty" star frowned
"Oh ya think?"
"Anyway" tom glared
"I just so happened to buy three tickets to the hugest water park" star jumped off the bed and up and down on the floor,
"AW REALLY THANKS TOM!!!!" Marco smiled
"where do you even find all these tickets at all the time?" Tom laughed.
"I have my ways Marco"
"WELL!" star jumped up and out of Marcos room.
"BETTER GET DRESSED!" her voice quieted off while she jumped to her room closing the door. Marco walked to his dresser and rummaged through. Tom waited and watched. He pulled out a pair of swimming trunks and whizzed around.
"Is there a problem Marco?"
"Well could you um leave....for a minute, I'm gonna change" tom frowned and sighed
"Ohhhokaayy" he said while breathing out.
     He floated out of Marcos room and shut the door and stood in the hallway, he leaned against the wall. He started thinking to himself 'why did Marco seem nicer then before?' He ran his fingers through his hair. 'He seemed hotter than before too' tom stiffened up and his eyes went wide at what he had just said in his mind.
"Ohhhmyyyholymosesofsatanhimself" he turned to look at Marcos door.
"I'm not in love with marco, I'm not in love with Marco!"
"Why would you be?" He whizzed around to see star in a pink bikini with kittens all over them.
"I-uh-uhm" he rubbed his neck
"Exactly why would I be?"
Star looked at tom confusingly 'something is definitely wrong' star thought.
"OK?" Star ran to Marcos door and knocked furiously
"MARCOMARCOMARCOMARCO ARE-YOU-READY-TO-GO-YET?!!" Tom looked down at the floor and frowned.

    Marco opened the door and stepped out. He had on a pair of red swim trunks. Tom looked up at Marco and gasped. His face turning a deeper purple. Marcos body had really toned from all the karate and fighting. Star looked at tom and noticed the demons unusual blush. Only she new what a demons blush looked like. 'Ohhhhhhhhh, that's whats going on' star smiled from ear to ear. She pulled a piece of blond behind her ear.
"So tom why don't you change now?" She smirked.
"O-oh OK can I change in your room Marco"
"Sure go ahead!" He walked on in and shut the door.

    Marco looked at star.
"OK star give it up" star tilted her head,
"Yes I caught on, tom is being super nice and weird, and last time he acted like this he lied to me about a movie marathon."
"I really don't know this time marco" star lied. She needed someway to get off the subject.
"You look good though Marco" he blushed
"You r-really think s-so?" Star nodded. "Well" he cleared his throat "you look nice t-to star." He smiled
"I know who else likes you too Marco" she mumbled to herself and giggled.
"Hm? Did you say something star?" Star stiffened up
"Correction star, it doesn't take that long."
Star: 😑

(Halo my readers, took me two days to write this part so please feel free to vote, or read a little more then vote doesn't matter. Im really starting to like this one so CONTINUE READING!)

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