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Marco woke the next morning and yawned. He crawled out of bed and slowly and wobbly made his way downstairs. He noticed star dressed heading out the door.
"Hey! Where are you going star?" She turned around startled.
"Uhm, uh, to Janna's?" They stood there eye to eye for s good minute.
"OK then, be careful with janna, you know how she gets" she nodded and headed out quickly running around the corner and ringing her little bell, waiting....
    Marco went to the kitchen.
"Good morning my handsome son" Angie smiled.
"Gmorning mom" he took out the milk and poured himself cereal. Then sat down to eat it.
"Where is star, marco?"
"Oh she went to a friends house"
"Hmm, why don't you go to your friends house then? They stopped by earlier saying they were gonna play video games at furgs house" 
"Thanks mom, I'll go after I eat and get dressed"
    After Marco got dressed he headed out and walked to Ferguson's house and was greeted by his two best friends.
    Star had made it to toms castle. She let herself in, still having the key tom gave her. Tom was chilling in his recliner chair, shirt off, hands behind his head. Star blushed 'omg tom is actually sexy?!'
"Sup Lucitor" Tom screeched and fell backwards.
"HOW DID YOU GET MY KEY?!" She held them up.
"You gave em to me and I kept them" she shrugged.
"Now listen we need to talk" Tom was scared.
     Marco, Ferguson, and Alfonso were playing video games in fergs bedroom.
"So Marco" Ferg twisted and turned his remote, pushing buttons frantically.
"How is star?"
"She is doing fine I guess" he did the same.
Alfonso and Ferguson glanced at each other.
"Are we not into star anymore"
"Eh" he shrugged. Ferg gasped
"DO YOU LIKE SOMEONE ELSE!?" He paused the game. Marco raised an eyebrow.
"Marco has de crush on someone else!" Alfonso punched Marcos shoulder. Marco blushed "maybe"
      Star and Tom were sitting faceing each other on his couch.
"Tom listen to me, I know you have a huuuuuge crush on Marco" tom blushed
"But so do I" he frowned and a flame started to dance around the tip of his hair.
"Calm down Casanova, we need to work this out. You know we both can't have him" he nodded
"And I don't want to make him choose" star smiled
"Exactly tom." They sat there for a moment.
"So what do we do?" Star shrugged
"We better come up with something fast cause I honestly don't want to hate you tom, as weird as that sounds" he smirked "and I don't want to hate you either.........starship" star smacked him across the face.
"WHAT did I tell you about CALLING me that NAME!?!" He snickered
"Sorry sorry" he rubbed his jaw.
      "OOOOH TELL US!" Ferguson nudged his shoulder
"CMON!" Marco blushed more and hid his face. "Its to embarrassing and you guys won't understand" he muffled through his hoodie.
"Awww yes we will, were your best friends Marco we will always understand!"
"OK ok I'll tell you later" they both sighed.
"Fine let's play something else" Alfonso and Ferguson smirked evily.
"Why not....truth or... Dare"
      Tom and star sat in complete silence until star came up with an idea. 'I could make tom think about Marco?'
"Hey tom what is it that you exactly see in Marco?" Tom looked over at her
"Well... He is really nerdy"
"Haha tom your into nerds."
"SH-SHUDDUP!" Star giggled. "S-SO ARE YOU THEN!" Star stopped
"Touche tom" he smiled.
"Anyway, last time I saw Marco he was y'know, but now hes hot! He freaking almost killed me when we went to the pool"
"Yea you almost killed him too apparently"
"W-wait what really, no way." Star shot her hands over her mouth
     "NOPE, IM OUT!" Marco stood up.
"Nope your in!" Ferguson yanked his arm and he plopped back down on the bean bag he was sitting in.
"Uhhhhhggg" Marco crossed his arms. "I get to go first then"
"Ok truth or dare"
Ferg squinted his eyes "dare"
"I dare you to chug the rest of that two liter soda"
Ferg picked up the bottle and started. Alfonso laughed
"CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" Ferg finished and threw the empty bottle and belched, patting his stomach.
"Ha beat it!"
Marco crossed his arms again "hhmf"
"OK my turn" Alfonso raised his hand "truth or dare Marco?"
Marco took off his hoodie "DARE! give me your best shot, I can beat ferg anytime" Alfonso shook his head "shouldn't have said that, I dare you to tell us your crush"
Marco pinched the bridge of his nose
"Should've seen that coming, ohhhhhkay. My on tom" he covered his face.
"You mean that really hot demon tom dude?"
"How do you-"
"Star shows us things all the time"
"Oh, in that case yes"
"Wait you don't think its-"
"Dude chill, I support, its my turn anyway" he grinned. Marco was confused and probably knew where this was going.
"Alright Marco, truth or dare" without thinking Marco answered dare.
"Its a have to now!"
"Sigh* why do I still hang out with you two gay af dudes" he shook his head. "Alright"
"Well be watching too, to make sure you do it"

(Onto the last chapter!)

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