Dont Worry Abouta Thing

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    Tom was in Marcos room pacing.
"Ohhh jees ohhh jees what was that tom UHG!" He smacked himself in the forhead.
"I was blushing! Because of how Marco looked? NO! IM NOT GAY! NEVER! or, or am I? UHG" tom snapped his fingers and in an instant his clothes burned off and a pair of red trunks were on him with orange and yellow flames printed on them. He ran his fingers through his hair once again and sighed.
"Alright tom stop worrying, all were doing is going to a water park and I can take my mind off this, its to confusing!"
     Tom opened his door and stepped out.
"Whoa t-tom you've really uhm"
"I've gotten hotter star?" She blushed.
"OK OK OK tom were ready to go now" Marco said walking downstairs obviously not pleased. Mrs and Mr. Diaz was at the door waving as they started walking down the street. Star ran back to the house
"Almost forgot my sunglasses" star sang. She started out the door when Mrs. Diaz walked up to star.

    "Hey hun"
"Yea Mrs. Diaz?"
"I was wondering" she cleared her throat
"Marco came running down the stairs with a mad look on his face"
"Yea I kn-"
"He came down with a huge blush on his face too" star smiled huge.
"Don't worry Mrs. Diaz everything is totally fine"
"Are you sure?" Star pulled her shades over her eyes
"I've got everything under control" Mrs. Diaz giggled
"OK star"

      Star caught up to Marco, tom floating up ahead. Star nudged Marcos shoulder.
"So maaarco, waddya think about tom" she raised a brow.
"What do you mean star?"
"I mean how he looks......with. No. Shirt?" Marco looked away from star.
"H-he looks fine I guess"
"Why ya hiding ya face Marco?" Star tilted her head way down to see Marcos face. He turned his head more. Star giggled and jumped around and grabbed his face. He avoided eye contact his face completely red.
"Oooooo maaarcooo why ya blushin for?"
"I uh h-had a thought"
"About whaaat?"
"About YOU KNOW WHAT nevermind let's just keep walking" he sped up to tom.
    Finally they arrived after a loooong walk. Star squealed in excitement. They walked up to the counter and tom put the three tickets on there.
"Three of us" tom said. The lady at the counter blushed madly as she grabbed the tickets.
"S-s-sure go r-right on ahead" she smiled. They walked into the water park. They went and found three chairs next to each other tom layed down on the far right one on his back.

    "CMON MARCO LETS GO SWIMMING!" she yanked his arm towards the pool. Star cannonballed into the water dragging Marco along with her. He fell in and a shock of cold water hit his body. He instantly froze and couldn't move at all. Star screamed to the top of her lungs.
"MARCO, HELP HELP SOMEONE HELP HES DROWNING!" tom heard her scream and was there in a flash. He pulled him out while star pushed him out and layed him on the pavement. The lifeguards came running. Tom put up a finger and they stopped. Tom blushed as he looked down at Marco and pulled hair out of his face. He took a breath, held his nose and put his lips on Marcos and blew. He lifted up,
3!" As he pushed on his chest and went back to Marcos lips in a flash blowing life back into him.
     Marco came back as he coughed water, tom lifted him up. He breathed hard, a group was crowded around. As he started to come out of shock he looked at tom.
"Th-thanks tom y-you saved my life" he continued breathing heavily.
"Well don't get all cheesy on me" his face turned a dark purple again. Marco looked at him 'there's that dark purple on his face again, what is that?' Star smiled as her best friend was standing.

    She ran and jumped into his arms,
"MARCO OH MARCO IM SO SO SORRY I didn't know doing that would almost kill you I'm sorry" she started sobbing on his shoulder,
"i-im sooooo ssooory!" Marco grabbed her shoulders and looked in her eyes.
"Star i-im fine its OK you didn't know its not your fault. Calm down and let's get something to drink, ok?" He wiped her eyes,

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