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Marco awoke to uncontrollable giggling and cooing and laughing. What was going on? He lifted up to her blurry figure sitting on his bed. He stretched and yawned, rubbing his eyes squinting at her. All of a sudden it hit him like a semi truck at full speed ramming a cement wall. She read a part
"so the only thing to tell my feelings to is you journal talk to ya later bye" she laughed. Marcos eyes widened, he jumped up and grabbed it before she could read anymore.
"HEY, how come I can't read YOUR journal but you think its OK to read MINE!?" he held his journal to his chest. Star laughed "so you think I'm hot?" She wiggled her hips and Marco blushed.
"You think tom" She winked and he blushed fire red. "Pshhh I knew you did" star smiled.
"I'm going to take a shower, AND I'm taking THIS with me!"
    He walked to the bathroom and put his journal softly in the drawer. He turned the shower on and stripped down and got in the shower. While he washed his hair he hummed.
"Hmmm hmm to little to late hmmm hmmm" he hummed and heard giggles.
"STAAR!?!?! WHY!?!"
"Aw Marco I think its adorable!"
"No I mean WHY are you in the BATHROOM while IM TAKING A SHOWER!!"
"Star we talked about this" He facepalmed.
"OK I'll leave" she got off the sink counter and walked out.
   He sighed and continued showering. At that time he started thinking about tom. He smiled and blushed. His eyes widened realizing he had lost track of time.
"OH NO THE WATER BILL!" he panicked, shut off the water, and flew open the shower door, tripping over the bottom falling face first flat on the floor.
"Uuuuuhhhhgg" he groaned. Star came in covering her eyes with a towel trying to navigate.
"Uhm h-here I got a toAAAAHHHH!" she shrieked and tripped over Marco landing on him. Star blushed madly
"Ew ew ew ew ew EEWW!" She got up quickly, Marco grabbed the towel and flung it around his waist.
"STAR!" His voice cracked,
"I just tried to help I heard you fall and i-i..." Marco felt bad now. He walked over to her and hugged her.
"Star I'm sorry I know you were tying to help" he then realized, he stepped back, noticing stars whole face red.
"Oh i-im s-sorry star that was highly inappropriate um..." He blushed. She smiled that's ok. She raced out of the bathroom.
'WHY AM I SO ATTRACTIVE!?' He mentally screamed at himself.
    Star sat in her bedroom, thinking about what had just happened. She blushed and it struck her. 'No no nonononono that's not good oh no, i have a crush on this boy' she layed back on her bed. 'BUT SO DOES TOM!' She put her palms on her eyes.
"This is not good" she said allowed.
"We both can't have him, and I don't want to make Marco choose. I'll have to talk to tom tomorrow" she yawned
"But as for now I'm going to bed." She proofed her pajamas on and curled up on her bed and feel asleep.

(I'm so so sorry it took so long to write this chapter. I have so much to get done and with school ended and summer here its just so much, bear with me please)

Will You Accept Me for Me? (TOMCO)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin