Chapter 8-"Original."

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~Author's POV~
Room strange, strange room.
A place where someone would be took. A way you would need to escape before they come.
And when they do you can't win, so (y/n)? What will you do? How will you cope? What chances are you going to take?
They will hurt you, you and yours truly. Friends, family DEAD. So (y/n) when will you wake up?
Be original.
Be brave.
Be strong.
Just wake from you're restfulness...

~You're POV~
I open my eyes to see a light grey ceiling. I try to sit up, but is pressed down.

"Please stay laying you're hurt." Blaziken said as he looked at me. I suddenly realized that my head was on him lap and only me and him was in the room.

"Where's-" I tried to say,but started coughing.

"Don't worry there in other rooms. I-I think apex and maybe Temperrr are upfront of our room, next door I think is adapt, rain and Chao?" He said scratching the back of his head.

"We need to get out of here!!" I said finding the strength to get up, but still falling in the process.

"(Y/n)!" Blaziken said catching me in the process and both of us landing on the floor me on top.
I was too tired to get up that we both seemed bot to care about the situation that we were both in. All of a sudden the door that was on the outside of the room opened.

"Okay love birds, get up sir H3CZ/Hector would like to see you." The man said as two others came into the room and grabbed us. We're in for a ride...

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