Chapter 18 - "Plan F.a.Z.e." (Part 2)

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Before we start I just wanted to say that I started this Plan F.a.Z.e so I would have new characters that I can put into place. And I don't know anything about these characters lol.. if you have any info that I could use for these characters, so I wouldn't need to do my research that would very nice!

~Rugs POV~
3072 hours

5 days before my death

"A girl."

(Y/n) was her name and she made me see clearly now. She told me what I needed to now and I will help her. I might die trying, but I needs to be done.
I opened my closet and walk down a flight of stairs. Each FaZe members, well originals that agreed to have a place like this in case of emergency, a place where if we needed to meet we sure as hell could.
I press a button that goes out to every member, if they don't answer then I know there dead...

*Jinx Appeared Online*

*Sensei Appeared Online(1)**

*Carl Appeared Online*

*Jev Appeared Online(1)**

*Banks Appeared Online*

*Cbass Appeared Online*

*Censor Appeared Online(1)**

This is were plan F.a.Z.e comes into place. Starting this Operation though will have its sacrifices, it will all play out.

(F)Sensei: What the hell?

(F)Banks: I was thinking the same thing...

(F)Rug: I did this, we have plan that needs to be held.

(F)Jev: Is it about what's been going on? Hell... I've seen us all being killed, I'm guess that we're the only ones left?

(F)Jinx: Even the Bosses!?!

(F)Rug: Calm down... No Temperrr is out there... I hope...

(F)Censor: Well where in the hell would he be??

(F)Cbass: Sorry Rug... Should we even be a clan anymore... I mean really..

(F)Rug: Guys really believe me... His sister talked to me told me there being held..

(F)Jev: The fuck!! You really think that it's his sister? Damn Rug you really have been pulled down..

(F)Rug: Jev, I'm only trying to tell you the truth.. When Optic comes for you I can't help you...

(F)Carl: I believe you Rug... Though I do believe that we should have someone that can lead better.

(F)Sensei: Banks is closest thing... I think he should do it.

(F)Banks: Uhhhh...

(F)Sensei: I would agree on this one.

(F)Rug: Then it's settled.. anyone that doesn't want to take part leave.. It's you're choice.

(F)Cbass: Sorry, I can't. It's been fun working with you guys. Love you all.

(F)Jinx: Cbass wait!!

*Cbass Left The Chat Room*

(F)Jev: Guys... Convince me please...

(F)Carl: If you have faith within our trust then take a chance..

(F)Jev: I'm tired of fighting...

(F)Jinx: Please one last time!!

(F)Banks: Jev you were there when the first of our wars. Me, you, Apex, Rain, and Temperrr... Well you came after some others but still...

(F)Jev: Damn thanks, I think I might stay and see how this might end.. : )

(F)Rug: Alright,

(F)Rug: Plan F.a.Z.e has been ago!

(F)Banks: Who said it was going to be called "Plan F.a.Z.e"?

(F)Jinx: lol

(F)Rug: Well I did... ('・_・')

(F)Banks: Well I like it.... :-P

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