Lemme tell you this

31 4 16

Lemme tell you guys something

I  can get bored and lonley real quick.

Like its not even funny how quick it can be

Sometimes its the complete opposite and i dont want anyone near me cause im fine

But a lot of the time i want to be social and be around my friends

Like i feel like some of them hate me cause they think im a not clingy but i dont wanna be like a kid again

I had a ton of friends in elementary school. But when my birthday party came only 5 put of like 16 girls came and didn't pay attention to me. Plus i couldnt go over other people's houses cause they had trust issues with my parents

Also yah i'm 9 years older then my brother so i was pretty much alone with my cat and parents for 9 years

And i lost a shit ton of those friends. Like... 2 still talk to me but barely.


Cans i have hugs...?

*elephant noises* (randomz buk 4)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat