Try 2#

27 5 2

"do you think its important to be fashionably late?"


"you're about to buy a popular game when someone else gets the last copy! How do you feel?"

"annoyed. I was here first!"

"you've stuffed yourself with a good meal when a great dessert arrives. What do you do?"

"yum! I love dessert the most!"

"hey, what's that? There's some one behind you! So...did you look?"

"no way. I didnt fall for it."

"you're in a completely silent Assembly when someone passes gas. How do you react?"

"who was that?!"

"you find something at a great bargain price! What do you do?"

"buy it right away!"

"you're running a marathon, and at the start you fall flat on your face. What will you do?"

"I'm not gonna give up!"

"how are your mornings?"

"there ok"

"male or female?"

"hmmm... male."



*elephant noises* (randomz buk 4)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant