The annoyance of making the waterfall

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So in my art book a the waterfall with the cave behind it is where snow lives when she doesnt have her sisters (i'll get to that-)

The annoyance of making this was fucking- *angry elephant noises*

So i made a diagram of how i wanted it to look.

So i made a diagram of how i wanted it to look

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This is it. When i started making the waterfall, the app crashed. When i tried to reload it, my phone crashed for 15 minutes. When i tried to go back in, it said the art was damaged.

SO yeah i had to redo it. In the meantime i've been continuing wings of fire the brightest night cause i found out one of my friends likes the book series.

So.i got.rid of it and made a new drawing but a bit smaller. (apperently it cant be 2000 x 2000. It has to be fucking 1500 x 1500)

 It has to be fucking 1500 x 1500)

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And i did steps

And i did steps

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Until.i got really bored of it and just made the picture

*elephant noises* (randomz buk 4)Where stories live. Discover now