The shades

35 2 11

Oh lord another one.

Ok so while all the colors were having their sex drama white, grey and black were kinda on the sidelines thinking like "do we join them or...."

So white thought and looked to grey. It looked so pretty but it was odd cause white amd black was grey's parent.

But grey and white had sex after a hour of thinking of it. Then light grey was made.

Black had saw and thought "maybe i should do it too..."

So black and light grey had sex and made dark grey.

Lemme explain this.

Grey was already kinda dark, it was the perfect mix of white and black. But black was too dark that if black and grey had sex, it would just make black.

And if white and black had sex again, chances are their gonna make another normal grey

Now light grey had a little bit of black in them. Not too dark so if black and it had a child, it wouldnt be black, just before it.

And thats what they did.

And not to mention they did this A LOT.

More then fifty times. ;)

And no im not just talking about just light grey and black

Im talking about all the greys with white and black.

Come to think about it there was a lot of incest in that...

So then when they found earth, they blended in with some colors to give shades. So things werent too bright.

And that's how shades were born

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