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"Maybe you shouldn't take the pills anymore." Looking at the bottle, her eyes narrowed and a scoff left her lips, she obviously didn't like what she saw. "Antidepressants, anxiety, paranoia, I didn't think you had all of this." Her eyes went soft as soon as they landed on me, huddled up on the couch, shaking and breathing funny. "Tch, don't take these pills anymore, Daniel." She set them down before coming closer and sitting down beside me, Tom and Phil had left a little bit ago, per her request, probably so we could talk and she could figure things out a bit better. "And don't go back to that lady, she obviously doesn't know what she's doing, do you think the pills are flushed out yet?" It'd been a few hours, and she'd just been speaking her mind, getting me to drink plenty of water, and being an all around good friend, almost like a mum. She was going to be a fantastic mum one day. "Daniel, I think it's time we talk about the obvious."

Taking a deep breath I nodded, I'd had plenty of time to calm down and collect my thoughts, and she'd been plenty understanding. Shifting to get comfortable, I lowered my knees from my chest and looked over at her, though avoided any eye contact. "I had a breakdown, so we decided that I should see someone, I've been having them a lot, or have had them a lot. "We had a fight, well, I had a fight. I said a lot of things to Phil that I really wish I hadn't. Things that were hurtful, struck deep, things I should've never brought up." Her hand fell on top of mine, squeezing reassuringly. She was here to listen. "I told him that he would be happier if I wasn't here, that he could have a normal life, that he could have a wife instead of me as a bad husband." Tears were reappearing, her arms made their way around me, she really was like a mum. "I told him I was better off dead, he hated me, so why not just disappear?" Sniffling, I looked up at her, expecting to see scorn and annoyance, but all I saw was worry, concern, she even had fear in her dark eyes. "I've messed up again, and I don't know how to fix it now."

"Well, an apology is obviously in order, but I'm also thinking that you have to start telling him more things, stuff that's bothering you, scaring you, keeping you quiet. Staying quiet when you are in need of help, wanting to scream for someone to come and save you, that's the worst idea in the entire world. Never be afraid to talk to someone, Daniel. Everyone needs help." Rubbing my arm, she kissed the top of my head, I'd somehow ended up leaning against her, my head on her chest, my eyes closed, and my thoughts mellow. "Even I need help sometimes, but it's hard to tell the ones you love, I know it is. So instead of telling Pete, I tell Tom. I love Tom, and I do love Pete, but it's easier with my brother, since we've grown up together and everything." She let out a small chuckle, her dark eyes closing as she thought back on some memories. Nudging her, she gave a small giggle before continuing. "It's sounds easy, but I know it's difficult." With a sigh she looked back over at me. "Promise me you'll talk to me him, Daniel. Promise me."

"I promise." Playing with her fingers I kept my eyes focused on them like they were the most fascinating thing in the entire world. "When do you think they'll come back?" She knew that I meant Tom and Phil, but I don't know if she'd be able to tell me, I just hoped that Phil wasn't gone for too long. I missed him, and I really wanted to say that I was sorry. "And I won't take the pills anymore, or see the lady, your right. I really don't think she knew what she was doing, because those pills messed me up real bad." I was talking like a child, but that's what I felt like right now, a child that needed to be taken care of. But I doubt my mum would drop everything she was doing to come up and tend to me, she had her own life, and I was a grown man. I was almost 26 years old. I should be able to take care of myself. And she was a 24 year old woman, the one watching over me of course, that I'm pretty sure that her birthday was coming up in I think October, I was never really good with birthdays. Not even my own. "Thanks for staying."

"What else are friends for, Daniel? Sorry about punching you earlier." She smiled sheepishly at me, but I only shook my head, amused. "Honestly, I'm surprised I can hit that hard, you're a 6 foot man, and I knocked you to the ground." Her dark eyes sparkled and she wiggled with I knew was excitement. "Ferocious Fletcher!" Holding up her arms she happily showed off the muscles she had, with me giving her a mock-like gaze of amazement and wonder. Pushing me away she just shook her head and got back up, taking out her phone, from a purse I had some how not noticed, well she was wearing a dress, she usually did, she looked good in dresses. I waited as she called whom I assumed was her brother, and looked around, though it's not like I didn't know what my own flat looked like. I just didn't know where to look right now. "They'll be here in a few minutes, they only went around the block, a little walk." Smiling down at me she joined me back on the couch, letting out a small sigh. "London is such a beautiful place."

Nodding with agreement I kept quiet as I heard the front door open, and in walked Phil and Tom, though Phil really ran in, a little frantic, and panicked as his eyes landed on me. With a shy smile, I looked away from him for a moment, before taking a deep breath and motioning for him to come closer. "Hey, Phil." My voice was a whisper. "Don't worry, I'm a lot more calm than before, remind me to cancel my prescription for those pills, okay?" Bringing him close I lay against him, not realising that my previous care provider had moved, and was quick to push her and Tom out of the flat. "Thanks for the talk, Care-Bear, it really helped." That was her nickname, because that's basically what she was, she was a fricking Care Bear. Waving me as she walked out, she started bickering with Tom. Common sibling banter, nothing horrible.

"Care-Bear?" Sticking my tongue out at him, I snuggled into his side. "I'm sorry, I should've never brought up going to see someone, that was stupid of me." Laying his head down on top of mine, I shook my head, telling him that it was fine. He did what he could, he was trying his best and that's all anyone could've asked of him, at least he tried. "I love you, Dan." Everyday he felt like he had to tell me that, as if though I didn't already know that, but it was nice.

"I love you too. Now make me something to eat, I'm starving."



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