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I couldn't believe this day was finally here, after years of being married and wishing that I could take on his last name, it was here. And I don't think anything could spoil this day. He was holding my hand and Winnie was in the middle of us, she was grinning up at me because she knew exactly what was happening. We were before a judge and he was smiling down at us. "Daniel, haven't seen you in years, how are you?" And that's another thing, he was an old bud from Law school that I'd lost track of years ago when I dropped out. Having cut everybody out of my life at that point in time and feeling like killing myself, I didn't really think to ring him up and ask how life was going. It was Steven. Not really a British name, but it was a cool name.

"I'm fantastic, Steven -- Judge." I didn't know whether or not what I was supposed to call him now, but he just waved me away, saying I didn't need to be so formal right now. "I have a very beautiful family and they are everything to me. And I'd love nothing more than to take on his last name and be even more of a family. She's had a hyphenated last name for the past few years and I want to change that now." Smiling down at Winnie, I couldn't help but lean down and place a kiss on the top of her head. Steven just smiled and nodded, looking at the three of us with a large smile. He told us he'd be honoured. Getting the entire thing properly started he called out our names, and then said the words that I had always dreamed to hear. Always.

Looking at me he smiled gently, "Daniel James Howell, from this day forth you have taken the name Daniel James Lester, and for as long as you live, you will be a Lester." It wasn't the real words, I'd studied this part in Law school, but I didn't say anything. No one else was in the room when it happened. ((HAMILTON?)) Then he leaned forward in his seat, he was still as big a child as he was in school. "And do you, little Miss Winnie, want to take on your Daddy's name?" She bounced up and down on her feet, looking up at Steven with a large grin and nodding quickly. "Then from now on, you are no longer Winnie Mae Howell-Lester, you will be known as Winnie Mae Lester." His gavel slammed down and after a few more words in between the two of us, we left and I felt like a new man, holding onto Phil's hand with a new confidence that I hadn't felt in awhile. I wanted to make a video about this. Even if I knew this video wouldn't come out in a while. At least, that's what I had planned. Life was a mystery.


My branding, I changed that a couple of years ago and I had a sneaky thought of changing it again and seeing how long it took somebody to notice. I was already in the setting, editing my video that I'd made, but when I saw the option to change my name I had paused. I could so easily change it to 'Daniel Lester' and see how many reacted. Or if they would just pass it on and not even notice. Some people already thought my last name was Lester, and I guess they weren't wrong about that now. "You coming out for dinner anytime soon, Mr Lester?" That sent tingles up my spine and I spun around in my chair to smile at him, but when he saw what I was on at the computer, he let out a sigh and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Don't worry about anything like that for now, okay? I just want you to enjoy being my husband, as much as I enjoy you being my husband. No need to force things." But I don't think he understood, this is a place in my life where I finally felt like I could be myself. Just be me.

"Phil, this is a place where I feel home." And with that, I lay my hand over his heart and smiled, those ocean eyes widened in surprise, and then they started to flood. I took his face in my hands and started kissing away the tears as he started to laugh, pressing his forehead against mine and making us fall over. That branding of me falling out of my chair was over (though we all know it still happens, Daniel) but I didn't really mind this. Though my back did hurt a little bit. Well, love hurts. Wrapping my arms around him I looked up at the man I had dedicated my life to, have loved for years, and would for years ahead. He was my entire life. "And if I want it to continue feeling like home, I don't want to hide anything else, I'm not afraid, as long as I have you. I have nothing to fear ((a line from "Comet" from Steven Universe because I'm listening to that right now and I'm emotional right now)) when I'm with you."

Placing his hand over my heart now I smiled, I wanted him to feel my heartbeat, let him know that I was still here and I didn't plan on going anywhere. He hid his face in the crook of my neck and let out a sigh of relief, I knew he was happy. I was happy and content. He was my home. "Papa? Daddy?" She wasn't upset, but she did sound a bit confused, but when I looked up I saw a smile on her face. She was happy for us. Holding out a hand to her, I offered for her to join us, but she shook her head. "Something is burning." Phil's eyes widened and he got up so quickly I wasn't even sure if he had been on the floor. He went down the hallway screaming 'NOT THE DINNER!' Winnie just smiled as we were left alone, we hadn't really been alone since I came back from the hospital, so this was nice. "It's nice to have you back, Papa. Daddy was ready to fall apart without you, so it's nice to see that you're both well and happy again."

Taking her in my arms I pecked the top of her head. "When did you get so grown up?" My voice was a whisper and I heard her sigh, but she wasn't upset nor annoyed, she was trying to formulate an answer that she knew I would be able to handle. She took my hand and started playing with my fingers. I guess she'd picked that up from me because I always did that to Phil whenever I was thinking or bored. Letting her take her time I let my mind wander, memories were popping up and interrupting my thoughts, but they were good memories. And they were all about Winnie. Holding her even closer I kissed her head again and let out my own sigh.

"A couple years ago, Papa." She whispered, looking away from me, why? Was she scared to answer me? I never wanted her to be scared of me. I always wanted her to feel safe and loved. She wasn't scared though, she was just unsure how to answer me anyways. "But I will always be you and Daddy's little girl, Papa. I love you guys, and that will never change, no matter how old I am, or where I go. You will be the most important people in my entire life, I promise." She spun around and wrapped her tiny arms around me, hugging me quickly tightly now.

Smiling I kept my arms around her tightly, "That's all I ask of you right now, Little Cub." My voice was a whisper, and I knew she was smiling. She didn't have to say a word for me to know that she would never break that small promise she'd just made. "I was so scared you'd grow up and think you were too old for us to call you Sunshine or Little Cub anymore, and it scared me, I understand having to let a child grow and develop, but I just don't think I am ready to let you go yet, Little Cub." Hiding my face in the crook of her neck I let her comfort me like a mum would their child, but she wouldn't be a mum for a few more years. Hopefully. I didn't want her to be a teen mum by accident, though me and Phil wouldn't be those parents who would just turn our backs on her. At least I wouldn't. "Now how about you go and get ready for dinner and I'll be out in a second?" I just want to do one little thing before I got out and ready to eat. Phil had never been the best cook, though his baking was off the charts, but when it was for his family he always managed to make it taste delicious. Winnie nodded, kissing my cheek before scampering away, and left me to my own thoughts. But nothing about them were dark.

Getting back up on my seat, having to pull it up with me, and looking back at the screen. With one final thought I nodded, this was it, there was no going back. Without much thought put into it, though everyone would probably realise I'd put a whole lot of thought into this process, I quickly changed my name to 'Daniel Lester' and published my new name. With a smile I sat back and wondered how long it would take for anyone to notice that I'd even changed a thing again. "Coming!" I called out when Phil yelled for me again, but it was a loving yell. He was rarely angry with me, not because I didn't do anything to make him mad. "Well hello Mr Lester." Pecking his cheek I sat down for dinner, enjoying the new apron he was wearing that I'd gotten for him sometime last year. I looked up at him with a loving smile. God I loved that man. Those ocean eyes of his sparkled and he stole a kiss from my lips before giggling, child.

"Very good, Mr Lester. Now are you ready to eat?" I nodded, my head spinning at the fact that my last name was no longer Howell. This was going to take some getting used to, but I knew that I'd grow to love every second of doing so. "It's a little burned, but I don't think it's too bad." Eh, I was used to it. I would never tell him, but every dinner he made was a little burnt.


Hope this is good? 

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