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It was now August, and I knew that 2020 was just around the corner, something I was not ready for, but before that was a bunch of other things. The 3 year anniversary of getting our pride and joy, and then Christmas. We still had to get her some gifts, we'd better start now or else we'd never be able to get her what she wanted. "Something on your mind?" Me and Phil were just laying in bed, it was early in the morning, we were going to BBC soon. But we were letting Winnie sleep for as long as possible, which gave us a chance to look around on social media. It'd been 2 years, but people still weren't over me changing my branding, though I did sometimes forget in my videos, and even in editing, and some people who were new got a bit confused on why I called myself 'danisnotonfire', and that's when I knew that branding was actually dead to new people. But the old Phannies were not allowing me to forget about that era. 'danisnotonfire' would've never thought about coming out 'daniel howell' however. ..

Raising a brow at my silence, I only smiled and leaned up, pressing my lips to his. "I want to make a video, and I want to do it." His eyes widened, and he grabbed my shoulders, asking me if I was serious. "Yes. But I don't want to upload it for awhile, I want to hype it up, you know? To the point people get over it, think it's not coming, and then out of nowhere, we post it and they all explode!" His eyes now sparkled, those ocean eyes happy beyond belief. "Do you think that's a good idea, or should we wait a little longer?" But Phil just shook his head. He grinned.

"I think it's perfect, and the fact that you even wanna make a video about, that makes me so happy that I can barely think straight! Well, I suppose if I was thinking straight we'd have a bit of a problem." I couldn't help but giggle at his words, and reached over to grab his camera. "I didn't know you were thinking a vlog type thing. That's not a problem though. I think that's perfect, just like you." He leaned over and pecked my lip, and I felt my face flush. "So, we're just gonna act like this is normal? Nothing out of the ordinary?" I nodded, whispering a few things in his ear before starting. "NO EDITING!?" I shushed him, no need to wake Winnie up.

"Morning guys!" I beamed up at the camera as I started it, my heart speeding up as I realised I wasn't wearing a shirt, I was snuggled into Phil's side, and our hair was all messed up. I felt -- I felt like I was doing something naughty, though we'd done that last night. "It's currently the 3rd of August, and we're up early to go to BBC Radio 1 and show Winnie around! If you didn't know by now, Winnie is our little girl. We'll tell you more over time, but for now, that's all you need to know, or I feel you need to know." Beaming at the camera, I shoved it into Phil's face, whose face was flushed red, he couldn't believe we were doing this either. "Speak up, Philip!"

He finally seemed to find his voice. "Hey guys." It was a deep sound, he hadn't really spoken that much this morning, except to freak out on me that I was actually doing this. I was finally feeling like I was ready to tell the world about us. But not for a few more years, you know? "I didn't exactly know we were doing this yet, so it came as a surprise! But hey, goodmorning. I have to go wake up Winnie in a few minutes, and then you guys can join us for breakfast!" He leaned forward again, and pressed his lips against my own, and I blushed. "I'll make us all some breakfast as well, alright? You did it yesterday." I agreed, and he was suddenly gone.

I looked back up at the camera, it was still recording, and it had caught all of that. But I didn't turn it off, throw it away, or threaten to burn the footage. We were keeping it, all of it. I sat up quickly and paused the camera, getting dressed. No reason for the entire internet to see my ass even more than they already had. Walking into Winnie's room, she was already dressed and lazily leaning against Phil. I started the camera, kissing the top of her head. "Morning, little cub, sleep well?" She nodded, yawning, and rubbing at her eyes. "Daddy is going to make us some breakfast, alright? Do you want some waffles?" She nodded, rubbing at her eyes as a yawn passed through her lips. "Well come on then, little cub. Philip, make the waffles?" With a smile towards him, I pecked his cheek. "And then we'll start this little day with Dan and Phil adventure, featuring Winnie! Well, I guess we'll have to call it — A Day in the Life of Dan and Phil, and Winnie!" Beaming at my excellent idea, I ushered Phil out of Winnie's room.

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