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"You've been a bit distant lately, are you alright?" He reached out for me, a concerned expression on his features, but I just shook my head, pulling away from him. That nightmare was still tormenting me. I hadn't slept with him in weeks, almost a month, and I had was even gone for his birthday party. My husband had turned 32, and I had intentionally missed it. Call me the worst husband on the planet, but I just couldn't bare to look him in the eye. "Is this a thing that we should be talking out, but your pride is getting the best of you?" Now I had no idea what he was talking about, but again, I shook my head. "Dan, I can't help you if you don't tell me what the issue is." He was stubborn, even worse than me at times, but he was also sad.

I kept shaking my head. "It's nothing, Philip. I've just been busy." But he grabbed my arm, he began to say that I never called him 'Phil' or 'Philly' anymore, and that we hadn't made a video together since December. I just smiled and sadly looked down. "Philip, that nightmare I had a few weeks ago? It's been haunting me, and I don't want to tell you, or else you might not think of me the same way ever again." Tears appeared in my eyes, but he grabbed my face, pressing his lips against mine, and saying he would never see me as a bad person. He'd always love me. "Philip. It was -- you were dead. And the knife was in my hand. And Winnie --" I covered my mouth, unable to speak, it was burned into my mind, and I couldn't help but seeing the horrid result of what had happened everytime that I so much as looked at the two of them. Horrible.

His eyes widened, those ocean eyes looked uncertain, and I began to run away, but his arms wrapped around my waist and tugged me close to his chest, his face hidden in the crook of my neck. "You should've just told me." His arms tightened every time that I tried to move, when had he gotten so strong? What I should be asking is when he'd turned 32, I was almost 28 myself, the closest to 30 I've ever been. "Dan, that was only a nightmare. And I know you, I know that you'll never do anything like that, to me or Winnie. You are to loving, you care too much for us, and would never hurt us." I could feel his tears, and I put my hand over his, he was crying because of me. Because I was stupid, and I tried to open up to him. "I'm so sorry."

Why was he sorry? He looked up at me, turning me around. He pressed his lips against mine, and this reminded me of years ago. Before we were married, and dated seriously. Hell yeah you are all about to see it, what kind of story would this be without a bit of visual? Not good.

Me and Phil had been -- well not dating, but something close to that for at least a year. He would come home after work, the time he was doing a second job, and then would kiss me and ask me what was for dinner, or would offer to cook. But today was my day to work, and the last thing I'd expected to find when coming home late one day, was Phil kissing a girl. He wasn't even kissing her, he was full on making out, not even realising I'd come in. That is until I started throwing things at him, I didn't often have a good aim, but you best believe that I had a damn good aim at that moment. He was about to yell, until he stopped my tears and stopped short, he knew he had no reason to yell at me. Even if he did start bruising soon.

"DAN!" He pushed the girl away, trying to get to me, but I was already turned around, my back to him as I ran out of the building. I thought he was actually starting to love me, but I guess I was just a filler until he found an actual girl to love, that I was just being used. He was yelling at me, for me to stop running, but I was faster than I'd ever been before, I was sure he was surprised I was this fast, seeing as I never exercised. I finally gave up around a park or something, I hated that I couldn't run fast, and I'd overdone it a bit. I was gasping for air, hunched over, everything in pain. But I knew a lot more than my body was about to me in pain the second I heard him stop behind me. "Please, just let me explain. One minute."

Nodding, I held myself, looking down at the ground. One minute, that's all he'd have. "She's a girl from work, and we got kind of close, and I wasn't thinking. And before I knew what had happened, we had started to make out, and I -- forgot. Dan, we haven't really been that serious, so I didn't think that it would've mattered, but I was obviously so wrong. And I feel bad. Guilty. You can move out if you want, you can have the flat if you would like. It's nice and I'll still help with the rent." He grew quieter, playing with his fingers, he was ready to cry as well. I gave a sigh, how had he managed to make me calm and understand in under a minute? People didn't know, but he'd always had a way with words. Especially with me. I didn't want to forgive him that easily though, let him go. And he knew it. "Dan. I'm so sorry."

Wrapping his arm around me, when had he gotten so close, he hid his face in the crook of his neck. "I promise, she's nothing, I'm sorry that I even considered that this wouldn't hurt you, I really am sorry, Dan." His voice was right in my ear, and he was softly kissing my neck, and he knew that was a weak point. I was like putty in someone's hands the second they kissed my neck. It had some positive and negative results. But I pushed him away, I wasn't about to be persuaded by a few neck kisses. Frowning at him, I began to tear up even more, his face was lost, those ocean eyes of his confused and worried, he really had no idea how much that he'd hurt me. I turned away, claiming there was no point in explaining it to him. It was over.

"What's over?"

"Us." I took a deep breath, looking back at him, and now I was crying. I didn't want us to be over, and I knew he didn't. But right now, he wasn't really showing that he wanted to stay together. Wiping at my eyes, he grabbed me again, this time with his arms around my waist and his forehead resting against mine. "Phil, just let me go. She's pretty, I think you and her will be good together." But he refused, bringing me closer, one hand on my hip, the other on the middle of my back. He was smiling sweetly at me. "You're an idiot, you know that?" My voice was a whisper now, but I knew I was falling prey to his love eyes, his gentle jaw kisses, I was getting weaker and he knew it. "A complete, one hundred percent idiot. My idiot."

He knew he'd one, and he leaned forward, but I pulled back. "I love you." That broke me, and I was leaning in, pressing my lips against his roughly, before turning it into a sweet kiss. He was surprised, I wasn't usually the one to initiate the kisses, but he didn't seem upset. With a stupid, goofy grin, he tightened his grip around my body, and pressed back up against me. I knew what he was going to say next, at least I thought I did. "I will always love you." But I guess one person can't know everything, now can they? 


Oh you guys are so -- yes, last chapter was a rollercoaster, wasn't it? WELL I HAD AN IDEA WHAT IF WE HAD A NEW CHARACTER? 

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