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"Lou, do you think life turned out well?" We were currently sitting the middle of a flower field, and she was messing with my curls, placing flowers throughout them. I'd missed doing this, a time where we didn't have to do anything. Everything was calm and blissful, and all we had to worry about was whether or not we'd have enough flowers to make a crown wide enough to fit on top of our heads. But she still hadn't answered, so I took that as either she was thinking, or she hadn't' heard me altogether. It had been awhile since I'd asked that question, and so much had happened since then. It's been almost 2 years. Time really flew by. "I mean, we finally did what we said we were going to do those years ago. We grew up, we had children. Hell, I even named one Winnie, like I said I would." I lay back on my arms, not moving to much so she wouldn't have to struggle to play with my hair. But she still huffed, swatting at my arm gently.

Though a smile was on her face in a few seconds, so she had heard me. "Yes. I had Darcy, I've always liked that name, as you know. And then you had a little girl of your own, do you still plan on having a boy?" I shrugged, that was still up in the air. But it's not like it wouldn't ever happen. Winnie couldn't be an only child, that was no fun. "And you married Phil, everyone was just waiting for the day to actually come, you know?" She giggled, finally done fiddling with my hair, scooting back on her bum to admire her handy work. It was usually amazing, so I had no doubt in my mind that it looked stunning. "Roses really do suit you, Daniel." She poked at it once more, before looking down at my handy work. Mine had never been as good as hers, but she'd never said anything bad about them, she'd always been sweet and support. I always knew I'd been blessed to have a friend as sweet and genuine as her. "Always have."

Phil had given me and Louise a day to ourselves, promising to look after Darcy and Winnie, though me and Louise had called up Eve just in case he couldn't handle it, and then Tabitha could even join them. It'd been awhile since Tabitha and Winnie had been able to hang out. I found that a real shame, they'd always gotten along so well. Maybe it didn't help that we'd taken her out of school but we just felt better homeschooling her. So really, if you wanted to blame anyone for their lack of friendship, it was us you had to blame. "They are just a nice contrast against my dark hair, and you know it. Nothing looks nice on me." She swatted my arm again, huffing and puffing as she looked up at me. She constantly did that, always saying that I was wrong. I was one of the most beautiful people she'd ever laid her eyes on. So sweet.

"I think it's about time we get going, don't you think?" Standing up, I held my hand out for her, smiling as she took it and kept it. I'd really missed days like these. "You know, Sean is not working at the sweets shop anymore." She looked saddened, looking away from me, and I saw her eyes darken, but I nudged her quickly. "He's doing what we're doing. He's doing YouTube. But he's doing games more than Vlogs, I've met him a couple of times, and he's spoken of you, saying how much Signe, his girlfriend, loves your videos!" Her eyes lit up again, and she swung our arms back and forth, skipping a little bit as we got on the tube, humming as she stood next to me, happy as can be. We were going to our usual sweets shop, and the first place we met, it'd been awhile. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you there, Lou" But she only smiled.

"You didn't scare me." We walked onto the station platform, walking up the steps into the outside world. "Honestly, the only thing that scares me, is how Phil is handling the children."


With sweets in his hand, we headed back to my flat, expecting to hear screaming and shouting, but was surprised when we walked inside to see everyone silent and barely moving. Phil was laying on the ground, both Darcy and Winnie on his chest, his arms wrapped around them in a protective manner, and Tabitha was curled up next to her mummy, a peaceful expression on her features. It was something that was picture perfect, in fact, I took out my phone and took a picture, something to be saved for later. "Do you think we should wake them up?" My voice was a whisper, I really didn't want to wake them up if we didn't have to, and if they needed the rest, than I wasn't going to be a jerk and jolt them out of it. "I mean, we still have some time to ourselves then, you know? I could make us some tea." Her eyes lit up, and she agreed quickly.

"You really should make an album of all of those pictures you take, it would make a sweet present when Winnie is older, or something. Or just something to look back on, when she's all grown up and not around as much. Memories." She was stirring her own tea, using her little tea wand that she liked to use when she came over. Which hadn't been in awhile sadly. But I was glad she was back, it felt right to have her back in the kitchen. And I didn't mean for that to sound so sexist. I just liked her here. "I'd love to have one as well, that's why I take a lot of pictures of Darcy. So I can still have her with me, when she's not really with me anymore." I watched as she took a sip of her tea, an expression of approval taking over her features, and I couldn't help but smile and shake my head. And her idea wasn't half bad. Maybe I would.

"You two back already?" Phil sleepily walked in, yawning like a kitten, and rubbing at his eyes. He had forgotten his glasses, so he was blindly stumbling around, until I placed my hand in his and he seemed to instantly know where he was. He was home. At least, that's what he's told me multiple times before. "I missed you, did you guys have a nice time?" He pressed his lips against my cheeks lovingly, lazily wrapping an arm around my waist, his other hand resting on my hip. "I like your flower crowns, they are really pretty." He was slumping against me, barely able to keep himself upright. I swear, he was like a child himself at times, despite being a 32 year old man. I usually had to act like the elder one in this marriage of ours. But it's not like I minded, he didn't seem to either. When he needed to be his age, he was usually pretty good at it. He knew when to act like a child, and when not to. That's another reason why I was hopelessly in love with this man. Like a child would be in love with a puppy. Wholesome.

"It was a great time, but I'm glad to be home. And I'm pretty sure Louise is gonna be glad to be home as well, right?" I wasn't trying to kick her out, even though it seemed like that, but she gave me a nod, going to collect Darcy. "Have a safe trip home, Lou." I pecked her cheek before seeing her out, and going back to Phil before too long, pecking his lips lovingly. "Now, all that's left is seeing how long the rest of the lot stay asleep. Or should we join them?" His eyes lit up, those ocean eyes sparkling with happiness at my suggesting, and grabbing my hand again and pulling me into the lounge, tugging me onto the other couch we had, letting me curl into his chest, and get comfortable, before wrapping his arm around my waist. "Look at them."

Motioning towards the floor with my head, I heard him let out a small cooing noise, and I knew exactly why. He'd left Winnie on her own, and it looked like Tabitha had woken up on her own and seen her, moving over to her and laying down with her. And they were now cuddling on the ground, Tabitha's arms wrapped around Winnie. Winnie curling into her chest, an apparent smile on her face. It was the cutest I'd seen in my entire life. "Phil, go get them a blanket or something." But instead of doing that, he had us move and picked the both of them up carefully, smiling as he lay them down on the couch were we had been only seconds ago, but I wasn't upset. I was glad they were going to be comfortable. He placed a blanket over their tiny figures, and kissed the top of their heads, before taking my hand and directing me to his room. We were sleeping in a bed. "We may as well be comfy as well." But he left once more, claiming he was covering up Eve as well. She really needed sleep, with how much she worked to support not only herself, but Tabitha as well.

"You smell like flowers."

"You are the weirdest human being alive, Phil Lester." 


You'll understand this a LOT more if you've read "Flower Crowns", one of my other fics!! 

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