facing the dwarves

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we were outside bilbos round green hobbit hole door."we can do this" I whispered to kili.he was shaking."come on" I encouraged him."I know" kili replied.I gave him a quick rub on the back.I knew why he was scared.if the dwarves found out before we properly explained...they would kill kili.we took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

fili heard a knock at the door."i'll get it!!" he yelled and strode over to the little round hobbit door.he swung it open and saw two bewildered dwarves.one with scratches and bruises all over him. the other had a bandaged up arm."kili? pyess? what has become of you two. why are you back? did thorin get you? did you find him? is he ok..." fili trailed off as he saw me with tears pouring down my cheeks. kili turned to me and gave me a big hug.

fili went pale"what is it" he asked me gently. I shook my head. I couldn't say anything. I covered my face with my hands. fili looked worriedly towards kili. kili knew what he wanted to know. he looked at his older brother in an alarmed way. fili was now the leader of the company and could do anything he wished to kili, exept fili didn't know that yet.

"fili...uncles dead" kili said, his voice quivering. filis eyes grew wide. "no.no. what happened?" fili said as a little tear rolled down his cheek. "I...I...I.." kili stammered looking away from his brother. filis face lost all emotion. "did you lose your temper?" fili sternly said as calm as he could remain. kili just gave him an agonising look." did you take action without thinking, AGAIN?" fili continued. kili looked down. he looked as if he would colapse. he was trying so hard." kili...what have you done?" fili said in alarm. "it was all accidental! please fili! I was trying to protect pyess!! dont you understand! I never meant for any of this to happen!please.help me tell the others and then we should all go and retrieve his body and have a funeral. we hid the body. please fili!" kili begged. fili looked at kili then looked at my tear streaked face and took pity. he spread his arms and we both ran to him and he gave us a massive hug.

once we were inside, fili formed a meeting. he explained the happenings. at first everyone was in a rage with us but fili protected us."dont you all have feelings?" I stood up and asked."didn't you ever fight for something or someone you loved? find it somewhere in your good hearts to see the real reason. please." I continued. "aye, I knew thorin well and there is no way that he would have raised his nephews to be murderous or a pair of liars, but kind and loving. I am on their side!" Balin agreed. soon everyone was with us."then it is settled. tomorrow we go and give thorin his kingly funeral!" fili anounced.

me and kili went straight to bed after checking my arm out with oin. it was broken. he had bandaged it up properly and gave me medicine to take the shooting pain away. as soon as we had taken our boots off, we got into bed and fell fast asleep.

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