thorins funeral

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I woke up from a very deep whole body was hurt to move.I very painfully managed to get out of bed.kili was all ready up."are you ok?" he asked me. "great!" I replied with a weak smile.kili looked at me as if to say are you sure.I got dressed then headed to breakfast with kili.

we were all packing bags with things we might need.we all set off for the forest.when we arrived, we found thorins body un harmed. Dwalin, oin, bombur and bifur picked up the body and we continued on. I was still pretty upset so kili held me close and also was helping me whole body felt frail as if it would snap like a twig. we kept going until hours later when we finally arrived."rivendell" I said as i stared in awe.

eventually we had gotten in and told lord elrond of the happenings.all of us started to prepare for thorins funeral.

after several hours we were ready. thorin was placed on a slab of stone covered in branches and sticks. the elves began to play their sweet music. some elves came down a path with flaming torches. the dwarves were crying.

"strong as an oak. silent as leaves falling from the trees. swift as an eagle. powerful as a mountain. king under the mountain. we sing this sweet song, as your life was great. full of courage and generosity. you have come to rest,  and now you will be free to roam in the golden streets of valinor forever more..." the elves sang.

every one was a emotional wreck. the torches fell onto the wood under thorin and started to burn. soon there was just ash. thorin was the ash. fili and kili collected the ash in a jar. they were going to take it to the blue mountians and spread them there.

every one went to bed in rivendell and fell asleep with bad heart ache. I couldn't. kili stayed up with me. I was so upset. kili saw my face and said"hey, I know its hard but I think its gonna be ok"

"really?" I asked as I looked into those brown eyes. he nodded and kissed me.

the next day every one started back to bag end. bilbo was letting every one stay longer.

once we were there fili and kili set out for the blue mountains. they would be back in about four days. I kissed him before he left. I wanted to come but oin stopped me from going as he said it would be bad for my arm. I would see him soon. it was all over.

after four rather boring days, they returned. as soon as kili was through the door I ran to him."kili!" I shouted as I hugged him and kissed him then every one went "aww". I was glad in a way. I just wished thorin hadn't died. at least there is always a future to look forward to. I just hoped mine would be bright.

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