This Is It

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"Go now!"
The boys screamed at me from the other side of the dusty warehouse, blood dripping out of various crimson cuts on their faces.

"I can't just leave you two!"
I wiped my brow of sweat and grime and looked hopelessly at my friends.

"Yes you can, now get out of here."
"Please Azlea, run! You arent strong enough right now to fight him. Run, get out and get strong. Then kill this son of a bitch."
Dean's face was hard and emotionless as he begged me to leave; while Sam's face held a spark of hope that at least one of us would live to save the world another day. I wanted to cry. 

"But Sam, Dean-" Dean moved slowly closer to me with each second i didnt move.

"Go!!" They both yelled and still, i hesitated. I wanted to grab on to Sam and Dean and make them run with me. I wanted to scream in their faces and say,  ''their was no point in fighting anymore!'' I wanted to be strong enough to make a differance and i didnt want the dark to be stronger than the light.

But then, before i could do either of those things,  i was shoved hard and sent spinning around towards an old metal door.

'They decided it then.'

I pushed it open, my heart thudding loudly in my ears.

'I hate this.'

The cold night air rushed over me and i tried not to throw up.

'I should be the one in there not them. It was ment to be that way.'

I winced at my acking side and  sprinted away from the fight with tears falling down my face and defeat in my mind.

'They were going to die.'
'I was going to die.'
'He's going to kill us all.'

I felt pointless, dazed, but i ran on anyway- straight down a dimly lit ally and into the street.

*Honk, Honk*

I swerved around to be met with blinding head lights and squealing tires. I screamed as i felt my body slam into the hood and off onto the harsh, hard ground. I was cold, and the red hot pain spread from head to toe in a wave of agony. My bloodshot eyes turned silver before fluttering shut. I felt my power trying in vain to save me; i didnt have enough, i knew i had wasted most of my power trying to defeat him- and to save Castiel. So the pitch black sky was the last thing i saw.

'I dont wanna die like this!' I thought sadly.

432 Words

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