'Oh wait.. I can make time fly.' I snapped my fingers and instanly appeared on the road next to a small sign saying, 'Welcone to Sioux Falls.' I smiled softly and slowed down to admire every piece of land i passed. 'This place is home. I'm not sure why its always felt that way.. But it sure does. Maybe its the simple beauty of it all. Or maybe its just because this place was the happiest ive ever felt somewhere. Who knows. But im glad something inside of me knew i needed to be here.'

I smiled, snapped my fingers again, and appeared infront of the old church i had called home once upon a time. 'My longest home.'

I slowed into a parking spot and locked the car as i got out. "Oh honey, look what they've done to you."

I tsked looking at all the pealing paint and wood chips flaking off. "I guess im just gonna have to stay a while and fix you up huh?"

My heart warmed up at the thought of actually fixing something with my own hands. 'Why cant they just leave me alone?!'

I kicked the dirt hard and approached the doors. 'This place looks so abandoned.. Why?' I pushed open the doors and walked in.

"Hello?" I called into the dark. "Is anyone here?"

I walked in and leaves scattered and crunched beneath me. It was dark but i could still see no one had taken care of the place after i was gone. The wooden pews were rotting, leaves were scattered everywhere, and their was littered chip bags and cigarette buds everywhere.

I bit my tongue. "How dare they defile this place?! Not only is it a church, this was my home. How could no one care? This place was so alive, so cared for. What happened?'

I growled and punched a hole into the wooden framework of the door. 'Damnitt.'

I walked out and got back in my car, but not before i noticed someone on the road watching me. He was tall, and gruff looking. Beard, ball cap, plad, vest, he looked like a drunk hunter. I laughed to myself and started up my car as he drove on past.

'If he only knew. I could crush him with a snap of my fingers if he tried anything with me.'

I drove off afterwards and parked at the nearest police station.

"Hello ma'am. What seems to be the problem?" The female officer asked me as i approached the desk.

"Id like to know what happened to the old church off of Grand."

"What do you mean ma'am?"

"I mean its been abandoned and trashed. Why?"

"Ma'am, i really dont know what youre talking about. That old church has always been that way. It was an old settlement church back in the seventys. It hasnt been used since then. So im not sure what your inquiry is about."

I frowned and felt my eyebrows pull together. "But-" I stoped and bit the inside of my cheek. "Nevermind, sorry."

I turned heel and almost ran into someone. "Woah, watch it there." The lady laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder before slipping past me.

I grunted and left feeling bitter. "What the hell did she mean. Of course it was used. I lived there! I remember sermons my parents had in that church." My anger was growing rapidly and i knew i needed to get out of there before i blew something out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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