The phone rang in third block and all the kids looked up to see it, especially me.

"Yes. Yes. Alright Maam. Ill send her up."


"Ms. Clark?" Mr.Weston called out to me. "You're checking out."

My stomach dropped, 'oh god. Was i too late? Had the boys told someone? Are they here..?'

I swallowed and packed my books slowly. "Yes sir."

'Im dead if i go to the office. Should i just ditch and circle back around to the house? Or maybe the school, i could peer in and see if its Father Aaron and Mother Jule. Oh god. Please lord, do not let them get me.'

"Please hurry up Ms. Clark. It sounded important."

'I need to calm down. They.. They wouldn't dare harm me in a school full of ordinarys. Ill be fine. Besides.. It may not be them.'

My mind was firing thoughts a thousand per second and i knew i shouldnt be getting so worked up. 'They've never caught me before. They won't catch me now.'

"Yes, sorry sir." I breath deep and become calm. I stand and walk out of the room without a glance at any of the eyes prying at me, wanting to know why i get to leave.

I feel my heart in my ears, but its slow, steady.

I was preparing for battle.

I look straight forward. My mind, focused. I still notice all the titles on the floor, every locker, and every piece of trash littered on the squeaky floor. I breath in, then out and round the corner to see..

'Father and Mother.'

My relief is so tangible that the words echo and shake the corridor, and pierce into the minds of Father, Mother, the office secretary, and a rough student passing by.

'Im losing control.'

Father Aaron and Mother Jule rush forward and grab me in a hug.

They both whisper harshly at the same time, "What are you doing? Control."

I bow my head and hug them, "Im sorry. Idk whats wrong. Everythings getting stronger."

"Probably because your eighteenth is arriving soon." Mother Jule spoke, looking at Father Aaron with a nervous look.

"Thats actually why we came here." Father Aaron said, tilting my head to look back up at him.

"What? What do you mean? So, you're not here to take me away because.. Nevermind that."

The two gave me a look telling me wed talk about this later and ushered me out of the school.

412 Words.

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