Jeremiah A.

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Jeremiah Aguero

Ok so Jeremiah Aguero is my brother .. Not literally but him and I are really close.. We met in 4th grade and to tell you the truth at first I had a bit of a crush on him but once we started talking I realized that he was an okay kinda guy and that he'd never like a fat dumb ass like me ..

He's a year younger then me and I talk to him about all my problems .. He's the kinda guy who is always there when I feel like either nobody understands me or when I want to kill myself . He has saved my life probably a total of a gazilion times and he's still doing it to this day ...

Anyways we met on pretty good terms he had just moved here from god knows where and he was in my 4th grade class and we just kinda started talking .. I'm a tomboy so I think our first real conversation was something along the lines of "hay sweet thang" an me countering with " how's it going hot stuff" and our friendship was born ...

And I know what your thinking 'ahhh he got friend-zoned' but I think I was the one who really got friend-zoned but i was fine with it..

Anyway we have been friends since then and one night when mi moms boyfriend had hit my mom and I cause he was drunk cuz I told him off ... I texted Jeremiah and my exact words were "I love you take care of every one for me ... Good bye have a nice life ... " and he flipped the fuck out an was like "your not doing this to me u can't leave me I love you that's not fair" so we talked it out for about 3 to 4 hours and in the end we said good night and I love you and I was fine ... He was my savior and without him i would have been gone about 3 years ago ...

No matter what he tells you we love each other an he is and has always been my best friend .. I love him and he saves me ... He's my rescuer and I couldn't live with out my little Mexican brother ...

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