Elijah A.

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Elijah Aguero

Elijah Aguero ,or Eli, is my actual brother .. Not blood but might as well be .. He knows everything about me and I know everything about him .. Hell we dated once in 4th grade but it was like for a day and I was like no thank you I'm good .. Anyway I like him more then a brother know that we're older.. but I'm in the friend-zone.. Well I'm actually in a worse zone .. The sister-zone its like the ultimate friend zone and there's no way out .. But there's nothing i can do about that cuz were both proudly taken ...

Anyway back on track here .. Him and I met in 4th grade and he had the biggest crush on me ever .. It was pretty adorable but whatever... Once him and I started talking we realized we had a lot in common .. We liked the same bands and he was really funny .. He was and still is pretty racist but come on .. He's Mexican he kinda was made to piss the world off ;) as was I ..

And once we started talking I helped him with family problems and he helped me not to. Cut .. Well funny thing is .. Is once he found out he about cried and then he was interrogating me about what I did it for and if I was bullied ..

Anyway he's really protective over me .. When I got my first real boyfriend he asked him as many questions as possible and was kinda mean to him.. But now there friends and all is well in the world.. Another really funny thing is is that I was quite protective of him as well ..

I mean I didn't interrogate his girlfriend or anything but her and I have become really great friends .. And I think it's safe to say that he has found his true love and even though him and I barley ever talk anymore cuz of her .. They both mean a lot to me and I would die without either of them..

Eli's probably my one and only large anchor besides josh .. His story is coming soon though .. But without Eli I probably wouldn't have made it out of 5th grade with my parents divorce and the beatings .. I just .. Never had anyone who cared like he does ..

I mean yea him and I are kinda ishly attracted to each other .. But we have a bond better then boyfriend and girlfriend... The bond of a brother and sister .. He's my one an only ... I would drop dead without him... He catches me when I fall and if When I can't get up or can't take the pain anymore.... He is always right to sit next to me an talk till I'm ready to be picked up again.....

I love you Eli and I'm sorry that we fight about stupid shit .. But in the end I couldn't live without you .. Please don't ever leave my side ... I Love You :)

Always .. Now... And Forever

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