Breah V.

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Breah Villareal

Okay so Breah is Eli's girlfriend an my best friend.. Soooooo what had happened was .. Before her and my brother got together she was in my chior class..

We had a play coming up and her an I were dance partners and she was really nice and had a really good taste in music.. So her an I talked an she seemed pretty fucking cool if I do say so myself..

Before we went on I was talking to Eli an he told me that he would introduce me to his new 'princess' (*his way of saying his girlfriend*)afterwards so I agreed... After the performance we were all happy an I was talking to my friends an then I saw Breah with Eli an they were talking an I was being an idiot so I walked up an said

"Hey Eli !! This is Breah V. She's really nice pretty an fun .. " I said.. Then he laughed an said "I'm glad you think so Cheals ... She's girl I was talking to you about.. She's my girlfriend." An then I flipped out an did a double take an was like

"No fucking way!!!! She's so cool!!!" Then when she left I talked to him alone an he said "I really think she's the one Cheals... She's nice, smart, funny, drop dead gorges ... She's perfect.." An I just laughed an said, "Eli if you really feel that way about her you should tell her. I think you two are right for each other :)"..

After that night her an I became practically sisters cuz of him .. Then something snapped .. Idk what happened but he changed .. Became a different person then my loving caring brother.. He was quiet an closed more..

In all honesty Breah .. I think he was scared of you .. Like scared to lose you I mean . You are his first love and he really doesn't want to screw up ... Even though he might not show it he loves you with all his heart ..

You an I may be sisters but he's my big brother and I think you an him are meant to be .. Don't give up on him for Mike... Your better then that and you know you love Eli to much to even think about Mikey.. Don't second guess your feelings and never ever ... Let your mind get in the way of your heart..

If your heart wants Eli then tell him.. But if your heart wants Mike then go for it... When you follow your heart your can never go wrong I promise you that ... Even though I have a biased opinion cuz Eli's my brother that doesn't mean it's my decision .. It's all yours ...

Your beautiful and I support your decision no matter what . I'll always be here for you . Even if you decide that you want Mike over Eli I will support you and stay great friends with you .. I promise that I'm always going to be here :) ...

Stay strong my beautiful lil chika :) and I promise that things are bound to get better .. Don't give up and don't let peoples actions effect your hearts desire .... And never .. Ever Change for a guy.. If he wants you to change then he's not worth it .. Stay young, stay happy, and stay innocent :)

I love you Breah and I will never leave your side :) stay strong and I'm always here to talk if you need to shed some tears :) I love you chika your an amazing sister

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