Josh Chao

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Josh Chao

Ok so first off .. Idk how the hell you spell his last name but it's whatever haha :) ....

Ok so Josh and I met in 4th grade. Everything happens in 4th grade I swear!!

Ok so him and I met and he was a smart nerd who took school seriously and I was the random mean rebel who copied peoples papers cuz I was stupid and didn't give a shit. (I was such an awesome kid! Haha).

So I was trying to copy off his paper and he was being a douchbag and wouldn't give me his damn paper.. He was a goody 2shoes . An I was like "what's ur name meanie?" And he said " why do you care? You just want my paper". So I just gave up and stole some other kids paper.

The next day I tried to talk to him again.. This time he finally gave in and we started talking. I was so interested in him cuz he was so different and I liked it. I had never met a person who actually cared about school .. Especially a dude.

And then after we talked in school I realized we played soccer together. And he was amazing and looked good doing it. And yes I realized that I had a crush on the guy but he can never know that.

Anyways after we talked and hung out we became really close. Until one day when we were at soccer practice and I had gotten tripped and fell on the ground and my sleeves came up..
When he came to help me up I was so oblivious that mi scars were showing..
He grabbed my hand and after I was up I said, " thank you :)." And he said, " no problem.. Wait .. What happened to your arm?!" And that's when the realization hit me like a tank.. I looked down at my arm and realized that my fall had reopened at least 2 of my cuts..

It stung so bad and I started to feel a little dizzy. I tried to say it was just the fall but he new me better then that.
He got me a gym towel and took me to the bathroom to help me clean them up. And he asked me the one question that almost made me burst into tears right in front of him.

"Chealsity. Why do you do it?" When he said it it made me wince .. Not from the amount of pressure that was on my wrists but from the hurt in his voice.

I tried to ignore it but he asked again with even more hurt in his voice. And I asked him how he could tell that it was self inflicted and no just from the fall and he then proceeded to raise his sleeve and showed me at least 3 scratch marks and I gasped.. After we talked about it and after I explained my reasonings he had tears in his eyes.. His exact words were,"Chealsity promise me ... Please... I love you and I don't want you to be in pain.. If anything else happens I want you to call or text me .. I don't want you to hurt yourself .. You mean to much to me and I can't lose you.. Please promise me you will tell me...."

After he said that I cried into his shirt as we hugged.. After that day we have been closer then ever and every time I'm about to relapse he is always there .. But in all honesty .. I consider him more then a brother.. Yes ladies and gentleman I like Joshua Chao .. To this day I still have a crush on the kid.. (And many of you may be asking "well what happened to that D'shaun guy?" But I shall tell you in the next chapter cuz this is about josh.)But let's not let josh find out about my crush.... I don't want to ruin our friendship cuz I like him ..

But anyways Josh has helped me throughout life.. I like to think that he is my guardian angle and that without him I would have no purpose in life.
He is my everything and when I have bad days he calls me and we talk for hours.. But sometimes if I have a complete terrible day.. He answers his phone like this .. "Hello my beautiful girl.. How was your day?"

And I always blush like crazy :) and we always hug in the halls and he walks me to class .. Hell sometimes I have the nerve to call him babe but that's only on occasions.. But yea.. He knows everything about me . From my favorite color to what I do if I'm nervous or mad.. I love him .. I know that he will always be by my side no matter what.. I love him and I think he and Lexi are the only ones keeping me here now.. I love them both with all my heart .

I don't know what I'd do without you guys.. I love you and you mean everything to me .. Thanx for everything.. I love you..

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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