D'shaun M.

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D'shaun Merriweather

Ok so D'shaun is ... Well he's my boo .. And I love him with every thing I have .. Well here's the story I have told everyone I know about a thousand times ...

Him and I met in the Cogat test.. It's a test for really smart people .. I really have know idea why the hell I was in there but whatever .. Anyways .. Um well he sat in front of me and in the middle of our test we all took a break .. And D'shaun and I started playing finger football .. He was wearing a jersey and I could tell he played football but we barely even talked .. We only talked at the beginning and end of the test or when I accidentally hit the teacher with the paper football :) ...

But in the end I asked " so what's ur name smart guy?" And he was like "that's for me to know and you to figure out.. " an then we met again in art and when I saw him I was like "hay it's finger football guy!! How r u ??" And he said " hay it's that girl who's really terrible at finger football!! And I'm good now " and I can tell you right now that even though that was a year ago I blushed like crazy..

Well to tell you the truth I never really had a boyfriend until his ass came along.. And after that he was in all my electives and then we started talking more and more and once he told me his name I couldn't for get it .. And then we went out all of 6th grade and we've been off and on since then... I don't want to sound to girly but I shall attempt to describe him without blushing ...

Well he has normal brown eyes that r really fucking beautiful even though there brown .. He has a really handsome smile and good facial structure .. He's black.. His laugh is well ... How can I say this without seeming weird.. Ok well to just tell u the truth his laugh is pretty fucking hot I mean damn ... (So much for not blushing)

Umm the way he holds me makes my heart do freaking backflips and the way our lips touch .. I just idk .. I feel like nobody not even my moms boyfriend can hurt me ...

I just feel safe and secure in him arms .. Don't even get me started man .. I think the best part is when we hug .. His face is in my neck and mine is in his and I can feel his heart beat on mine and it just ... Feels right u know ? I mean idk how else to describe it .. It's perfect and nobody can take him from me ..

I mean I can be a real bitch when I'm jealous ! No joke I would punch a bitch if she even looks at him wrong.. Anyway to tell you the truth I'm really fucking insecure .. And when he hugs other girls or even talks to another girl I get really upset .. Knowing that there prettier then me and smarter and more flirty pisses me off but I can never let him know that .. It's just when he talks to another girl I have to be nice and okay with it I mean I get really upset but come on I have guys for friends too !!

I can only imagine what he feels like when I hug my brothers or hell one time my bro kissed me on the cheek right in front of him .. I mean I didn't think anything of it but we never talked about it .. He gets jealous that I talk to other guys about stuff that he can never know about ... Like how I want to kill my self or how I have tried to before .. Sorry getting ahead of my self that story is for a later date ...

Anyway D'shaun if your out there somewhere , I love you with all my heart and when I'm gone just be happy for me .. And know ill miss you ... I love you with everything I have baby an I want you to know that without you I probably wouldn't be safe .. And I sure as hell wouldn't still b alive ...

Your my rock..

Your my one and only ...

Your my finger football guy .......

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