Chapter 5

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We were walking with lay and kai by my side and it was just a quiet walk yoo-na and Won-woo were on my arms again because their legs are too small so they lost their energy quite quickly. I took glances at them but they could never notice. And soon it was getting dark. "hey let's camp out here" lay whispered. I nodded and kai agreed. "damn it" Kai whispered. lay cocked an eyebrow. "chanyeol-hyung isn't here with us so we have to make our own fire" Kai groaned. I guess this chanyeol has the power of fire then, lay chuckled. "It won't be that bad making a fire isn't that hard to do" Lay smiled. Yoo-na and Won-woo I carefully laid them by a tree and so I could help make a fire. 'hey, eun-ha by any chance did you get my symbol?"  lay asked. I looked at my other wrist to see a unicorn symbol I simply nodded and he did a simple smile before helping to make the fire with kai. I help them with bringing the sticks and branches back to camp.

Going a little deep into the forest to get the branches I suddenly felt a presence watching me, I turned around but saw nothing but that didn't mean I shouldn't put my guard down. I grabbed another branch in front of me. My gun wasn't shaking so their no one's bad what I learned last time it did. but the colors were blinking slowly also so it's not the boys, maybe it's just an animal. I took some more branches and head back. 

(author's pov) 

The shadow looked at eun-ha heading back, the shadow wanted to say something so bad but it knows that it couldn't speak not in this state. It looked Eun-ha one more time before disappearing out of thin air. 


the boys finally made a fire after a few attempts. and suddenly a stomach growl was heard. It was mine. They cocked an eyebrow. "If you're hungry just poof something up," Kai said. "what do you mean" I narrowed my eyes. Kai groaned before explaining. "Just think of something you wanna eat or want then it just comes naturally" "why didn't it happen when I'm on earth," I asked. "Like we said earth and this world is different" Kai said. "I'm not that desperate I'll go find something then" I stood up to go find something. "not right now It's too dark you could get hurt" lay whispered. "I can take care of myself I'm not a baby" I glared. before they could protest any further I head out in the forest. I looked around, They were right it was dark and the only light I had was the full moon. I then heard rustling I took out my gun and heard some more rustling. with my good hearing, I shot a bullet at the rustling and I heard a squeak.

I ran to the noise and saw a dead rabbit. I grabbed the ears and headed back but was stopped by a giant gorilla. I cocked an eyebrow he looked straight in my eye. but when I tried to head back he would stop me. is he a person also? And I was right, He slowly transformed into a person He had brown hair, eyes and tall. "who are you?" I asked. He just shrugged. "what do you want?" I asked again, and he just shrugged. "are you mute?" I asked another. He shook his head. "why aren't you speaking then?" I groaned. And not surprised he shrugged. I sighed. I tried to head back again but this time he followed me. I cocked an eyebrow but kept walking. and soon I was back at the campsite with that guy behind me. "guy's I brought someone back with me" I bluntly said. "oh that great, You what!" Kai yelled. the two quickly looked at the guy. "who's he?!" lay questioned. "I don't know he won't talk and he just followed me." I muttered. "that doesn't mean you bring the guy with you! Kai yelled. "he's not bad my gun didn't shake so it's fine, " I said. the guy then nodded. they looked at him before sitting back down again. I knew the boys wouldn't put their guard down so why not ask him to help cook the rabbit?

"hey, whatever your name is wanna help me with the rabbit?" I asked. He tilted hid head and then nodded. while the other two was watching quite closely on every move the guy made but soon they didn't care. "are you gonna help us or not? the rabbit isn't going to cook on its own." I glared. they sighed and walked up to me helping with cooking the rabbit. 

finally finishing the rabbit and eating it sat by won-woo and yoo-na who immediately cuddled beside me. I chuckled at the cuteness. the guy walked up to me. "hey" I smiled. he looked at me bluntly. "do you even have a name?" I asked. He looked at me before shaking his head. my eyes then sparkled "can I give you a name?" I asked. he slowly nodded before sitting down beside me. "how about...Hyeon-suk?" I asked. he shook his head. "Jeong-Han?" he shook his head. "min-ho?" he shook his head. "I give up" I groaned. then a name popped in my head "jungkook" I asked. He thought about it for a sec before nodding. I fist up in the air and smiled. the guys chuckled and jungkook looked at me amused. I cocked an eyebrow before he looked away. my eyes were getting heavy and before I knew it I went into a deep slumber. 


eun-ha went to sleep and we just watch her vulnerable side. she looked so innocent asleep I wonder how she has such a strong wall between herself. Now I'm more worried, the Hyungs are too much for her to handle they could be cold and very rude if they do not like her she already doesn't trust me! seeing her just sleeping there makes me want to protect her even more for some reason I looked at lay and jungkook guy that eun-ha named. they all looked at her, to be honest with myself she looks pretty now that I see her often. 


I woke up and it was the morning I rubbed my eyes and I saw the three laying my a tree side by side, how? I do not know...I touched my gun and I saw it blinking rather fast. I slowly sat not wanting to wake up yoo-na and Won-woo. I looked around but saw nothing I actually went to deep and I didn't want to wake up the boys so I just tried to find the camp out myself. I looked around until I heard a snarl. oh no, I don't feel the pain again lay just healed me! I looked around when something black was hidden in the bushes. I looked closer and tried to make out what the animal was and then it pounced on me. his paws clawed on my shoulders and I screamed in pain. "you m-must b-be tao" I groaned. for a sec his paws soften but harden again going deeper into my skin. "who are you?!" The panther growled. "someone" I said. blood was pouring out of my shoulders and for a sec, I thought I saw white dots but shook it off. He growled and looked at me I kicked his stomach which made get off of me and whimper. "tao I don't wanna hurt you apparently lay and kai likes you so I don't want them to get angry" I sighed. "how do you know them?" He asked. "there my protectors" I groaned. "bullshit" He snarled. 

"wanna see them yourself?" I asked. "I don't trust an ugly ass like you" He glared at me. I went onto my knees when I felt them pain worse on my shoulders. "they wouldn't agree with a pathetic weakling like you" He smirked. "pathetic?" I screamed my eyes turned gold again and for a split second I thought I saw him wince. "how dare you fucking call me pathetic when you don't know shit about me?" I snarled. I thought of shooting him but he's not like lay. "stop" he whispered.  then all the tree's stopped rustling birds stopped tweeting it was just dead silence. my body froze for a second. "time to kill you" he said. "woah-woah there I ain't letting you kill me that easily" I glared at him. he froze for a second. "h-how?" He asked. "what do you mean how?" I scowled. "you're moving," He said. "Yeah, no shit" I laughed. he then growled. " look at everything, if its true lay and kai are with you, they should've told you what my power is, exactly," He said.

I recalled my memories "you have time control" I simply exactly, "I froze time but here you are talking to me, the only people who I couldn't use my powers too was the Queen and king" he explained. "well the people with me right now said that there my parents and I'm some kind of princess and I need to find 12 protectors and for some reason one of them is you and your brother" I glared. It was silent now. 

"If you want me your protector then under one condition" He said, I cocked an eyebrow, what could it be?

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