Chapter 9

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"who's the next person?" Lay asked. I checked my gun, Dark blue flashed, most of them grimaced, "who is it?" I asked, "Suho-hyung" Kai grunt, "why are you so angry about that?" I questioned, "He likes to scold us when he feels like it, He likes to randomly shoot water at us also," Tao said. I nodded "hey look we're not in the forest anymore" tao whispered, I looked around the scenery, I saw an ocean and sand so a beach basically, "how is that possible?" I furrowed my eyebrows, "in this world land can switch pretty often, being on the beach and in your bathing suit and the next thing you know it you're at the top of a mountain where it's like negative sixty degrees." lay explained, I nodded at his explanation, I suddenly wince at the searing pain that BaekHyun gave me, "you should seriously get that healed" Kai said. 

"I don't want to, I'm not a weakling" I glared, they sighed. "can you tell me more about my parents?" I suddenly asked. they all looked at me surprised then they suddenly smiled. "well the queen was the nicest woman out there, every time she heard someone injured or ill she would rush into the city and search for them for her to heal them" baekhyun mumbled, I nodded and smiled, "the king was very wise he treated everyone respect and wouldn't even harm a fly but in fights and wars he never lost" Kris said. 

"but one day his brother or your uncle tried to get revenge on him because their father chose your father instead of him, he even asked us to help him but we declined, cause we thought that the king could handle him but your uncle was too strong and took control of what was the city name Kairos. we lived there also for a short while but we all separated when your uncle took over." Lay said. "where are they now?" I asked. "well they are under the castle in a chamber in a deep sleep and can be only awakened by the north star." Kai said, "north star?" my eyebrows furrowed. "queen Selena, the moon queen was very close to the queen they were almost like sisters, queen Selena one day made the queen a star which is now called the north star, but sadly your uncle stole it and hid it somewhere" Tao said. 

I nodded, "what was my uncle's name?" I asked, "jun-ho," they said in unison. "how about my sister? what happened to her?" I asked. "well we knew you existed and even saw you as a baby, but your sister was somewhat over-protective about you and never let us to actually see your face so we never knew what you look like so we were self-conscious when you said you were the princess. she was always confident and was never shy or embarrassed about anything, but when jun-ho became king she tried to kill him but failed and he sent her in the underworld where she became a prisoner to the underworld" Tao said. my family is messed up. I sighed. "what's my sister transformation?" I asked, "a leopard," they said, "what's my uncle?" I asked. " a chimera," They said.  "how long did this happen?" I questioned. "maybe 600 years ago, so your time would be 8 years ago?" they counted. my eyes widened, "and no one did anything?" I asked quite shocked, "they wouldn't go near jun-ho he captured the king and queen and everyone that was in your family just in case if anyone tried to take him down but he doesn't know about you. I bet you he doesn't even know you existed" Lay said, 

we were in the middle of talking when strong water whip hit me, which made flying 4 feet in the air, luckily kris had a fast reflex and caught me with his flying ability, I whispered him a thank you ande he nodded, we went down on the wet sand and looked for the attacker, "Suho-hyung is near," kai whispered, "oh, no shit!" tao said with sarcasm. kris turned into a dragon just in case anything bad happens, I took out my gun for protection, and this time no tail but I have my gold eyes again. suddenly whirlpool headed towards me. I braced myself for the impact but nothing happened, I felt water droplets on me and then I saw jungkook, he looked at me with a direct gaze, he had earth as his power, which made sense because a large boulder blocked the attack and it couldn't be anyone else but him. 

He threw the boulder somewhere off the side and we looked at the guy who was now standing on the edge of the ocean where the salt water barely touching him. "who are you?" He asked, and I would think that was for me to answer, "eun-ha, you must be suho" I bluntly said, "how do you know my name?" he asked, "look around I got information from those guys" I pointed to the others, "Hi hyung" some of them chuckled, He scoffed "let me guess you're going to say something mean to me?" I glared, "hyung say nothing she will beat you up, " Tao said, "I say that from experience" Tao awkwardly chuckled, He cocked an eyebrow but then smirked, "you guys once loved freedom what happened now? you guys have become slaves to a weakling over there". some of them snarled, "we're not slaves, we just wanted to help her because she's the princess," Lay said. he then choked. "princess? her?". "that's right suho Oppa, she's the princess eun-ha" yoo-na butt in. 

"really? I thought she would look prettier" He smirked, my eyes unconsciously turned gold again. "Don't test me" I growled, "why would I, you're too fragile that might break" he smiled. my eyes turned to a darker shade of gold. "hyung you messed up" Kai chuckled, "what are you talking about?" He furrowed his eyebrows, and soon I ran to him with my gun in hand and ready too fight. I shot a bullet which he easily dodged. "Fire!" I screamed unconsciously. I shot another bullet but this time the bullet was made out of fire. "what the fuck?!" Suho screamed. the others were surprised and amazed as well. the gunshot hit his leg which made him fall, he groaned in agony. I panted from the running and looked at him and his bloody leg, I sighed, "you should've listened to the others" I mumbled. "why should I?" He glared." because then you wouldn't get hurt," I kneeled close to him. "should I ask lay to heal you?" I asked, he looked at me and I looked at him. but soon it was cut off when the others ran towards us. "lay can you heal him?" I asked he nodded. I sighed, and looked up in the sky it was blue and white puffy clouds soar around. I smiled, 

suddenly something or someone kicked me up in the air which made me go flying and hit a tree. "eun-ha!" They screamed. I groaned in pain, I felt a little of bones fractured, the thing that hit me was strong and invisible. I checked around but nothing, someone then yanked my leg down which made me fall on the sand hard. I then spun around in mid-air and was thrown like a beanbag, I hit the others and we all landed on the ground. my eyes were closed from the impact and I heard some groans, I looked up and saw what I never wanted to see, a child, a little boy, a boy that I loved and cherished my whole life, the boy who once died is standing right there, right in front of me. 


my little brother,

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