Chapter 13

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She was just standing there watching every move of mine and when I did take a move she would dodge it. She didn't want to fight me that's for sure, then what does she want? I screeched as loud as I could and the others protected their ears while she blocked herself with her tails, "got anymore moves you wanna show me?" She smiled, I suddenly got pissed and started chucking fireballs at her but she easily blocked every single one of them. "chanyeol, back down already" She commanded, "why should I?" I asked, "or I will seriously hurt you" She muttered, "let's see what you got then" I smirked, "you wouldn't want that" She snarled, "Let's go foxy" I smirked wider. each of her tails quickly highlighted red and blue flames outlined her, sparks would flicker one of twice when she came closer, I stood there frozen, She looked at me "are you going to back down or still be a stubborn baby?" She warned, 

and soon everything dispersed when she let it all out I closed my eyes but felt no impact, I opened my eyes again and heard walls crumbling, I turned around to see a huge dent on the wall that can be seen from 3 different rooms. I slowly flapped my wings and slowly touched the floor, I then transformed back to my human form, "Satan? wanna fight now?" She snarled, Heechul chuckled but soon return back to his demonic expression, He slowly grew bigger and turned to his form, a hydra. 


I watched as Heechul became his form, A 8 head lizard. "you forgot to tell me that he had 8 heads" I heard eun-ha yell, I watched as she had to fight off a head that blew fire all by herself, but the thing is, she was doing a great job. She looked pretty majestic, with her tails swaying side to side and her dark purple eyes glowing like Chanyeol's fire. so far she needed to kill 3 more heads and she's done, But she was suddenly got attacked my his tail, She was then thrown in the air and hit the marble walls. I panicked a little but kept cool, I heard her whimper. Trying to get up she was then thrown again to the other direction. his sharp bright teeth quickly sank into her furry skin which made her make a loud howl. I suddenly winced at the attack and made me even more nervous, looking at lay it seem he was calm and collected but inside I think he's dying a little. 

I watched and saw Eun-ha sank her claws on one of the heads and quickly ripped it off, and burned it with her blue flames screeches and screams was heard out of his mouth. Now she needed two more to go, but Heechul fell to the ground. He slowly turned back to his human state and it looked like it jumped off a cliff fell 40 feet climbed back up and fell again and did that 2 more times. "you look terrible" I snorted,

  "Shut up" He grunt. I turned around and saw Eun-ha who was slowly turning back but wasn't in her best condition either, she was about to fall but chanyeol was there to catch her.

 I sighed of relief "lay can you heal her?" I asked, "let's see what I can do she's losing a lot of blood and you know what that means" Lay whispered, lay slowly walked up to her and slowly did some black magic, I don't know!

 "I could heal some of her wounds but until she get's better I can't heal anymore without fainting" Lay sighed. I nodded, "I guess that mean's I'm her protector now" Chanyeol sighed, "don't worry she's actually pretty nice if you don't piss her off, also get that guy to break the bind, he's already pretty bloody might as well get him to say the speech" Lay said, chanyeol nodded and slowly let me hold eun-ha while he goes to the guy, there were some whispered that I did not hear and light shined on chanyeol and soon faded.

 He went to Eun-ha and slightly kissed her lips light showered them and would soon fade, "now we need to find Kai and so-yeon and Tzuyu" I whispered, they nodded and chanyeol led me and lay to the chamber, bars were everywhere and I could hear some groans from the prisoners, "Lay! sehun! how did you get here?" Tzuyu questioned, "problems" I simply said, chanyeol unlocked their bars and Kai got out looking for eun-ha,

 "Guys why is eun-ha in sehun's hands and why does she look like she died a little?" Kai asked, "maybe because she did almost die, she had to fight Heechul to save you guys" Lay explained, they nodded. "where's so-yeon?" I asked,

 "I'll go unlock her," Chanyeol said, he went to the end of one of the chambers and unlocked the door So-yeon being herself she kicked chanyeol and tried to run for her life, "huh? sehun? kai? lay? why are you here?" She asked I showed her Eun-ha the girl on my hands sadly she didn't recognize her own sister

 "who's she?" She asked, "your sister" I said, "no, I sent her to earth how could she be here?" she furrowed her eyebrows. "well for some reason she got here and is trying to save your family" Lay explained, So-yeon looked closer to eun-ha's feature and soon gasped her face and hers were very similar and that there some kind sister knowing that made her find out that she was her sister. "she is, but how?" She asked shocked, "how should we know we're not your siblings" I sassed,

 So-yeon glared at me, "come on we need to go back the others are waiting for us,kaKaisaid, "others?" So-yeon cocked an eyebrow, "baekhyun-hyung, Tao, Kris-hyung, suho-hyung," I said, "you mean she kissed most of you already?" She shrieked, I slowly nodded. "who was her first kiss?" She asked, "well we're not sure if she had already her first kiss but if she didn't Kai is", Lay said, "let's go back they could get annoyed for coming back so late" Kai chuckled, who was being watched by So-yeon with hawk eyes. 

Tzuyu waved at us and slowly went back to out normal world. which only baekhyun-hyung was there. "baekhyun where's everyone?" lay asked. "finding xiumin-hyung and luhan and chen" Baekhyun sighed. Eun-ah was in my arms still soundly sleeping, good because if not I don't know what would do. "let's hurry before she wakes up and find no-one" Lay whispered, we all nodded "let's go!" So-yeon yelled I sighed. let's go...

Guys I changed some things in the other chapters so you might want to reread I think Chapter 9...

When I meant changing some things I meant just adding pictures but I did add some more things in chapter 9 so hope you like and byeeeee!

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