Secrets revealed

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Will POV

'Will truth or dare?'

Now I don't like to take risks because I'm a doctor, so I wasn't going to start.


Annabeth smiled an evil smile. Oops. Oh well dare would have been worse.

'So' Annabeth started. 'Ever sense you came to play with us I have been puzzling what this "inside joke" is all about. Why don't you tell all of us.'

I paled. Nico blushed. Sara started laughing.

'Finally! You've kept this to long!' She laughed again. Everyone was staring at her. She was rolling on the floor laughing. She is so annoying sometimes.

'Okay' I started. Gods I hate this but they were going to find out soon anyhow. Right?

'There's no easy way to say this so I'll just go ahead and say it. Nico and I are dating.'

There was a stony silence. Then all of the sudden the reactions started.

Basically all of the girls started fangirling. Hazel was elated her brother was dating someone. Sara started laughing again and saying how her life was complete. The guys were all congratulating us and Nico... Well Nico was sitting closer to me and whispered in my ear. 'You did that well Sunshine.'

After every one calmed down I asked my question.

'Percy truth or dare?'


Percy POV

I was surprised honestly. I mean Nico didn't seem to be anything like Will. But what do I know, I guess opposites do attract. Apparently Will is also Nico's type. That's why I wasn't paying much attention when Will asked me.

'Percy!' Annabeth said.
'Will asked you.'
'Oh uh dare'

Will sat there thinking for a moment. Then his eyes lit up

'I dare you to go to the lake and sing Under the sea with some dolphins.'

Fun. I ran to the lake and jumped in. The water was refreshing. On the shore I saw basically the whole camp. Double fun. I took a deep breath and started

The seaweed is always greener
In somebody else's lake
You dream about going up there
But that is a big mistake
Just look at the world around you
Right here on the ocean floor
Such wonderful things surround you
What more is you lookin' for?

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me

I continued and the finished to a huge applause and all my friends laughing. At least I wasn't wet.

When we got back to the arena I scouted for my victim. Then I spotted her. This would be the perfect pay back.

'Paige truth or dare?'

I'm sorry the first part is so cheesy. It sounded better in my head. Anyway YAY SOLANGELO. That all I've got. IM OUT

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