Concert Time! Plus Question

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Sara POV
(This ones mine)
I was shocked. Completely and totally shocked. I couldn't believe my best friend was dating Leo Valdez. It was a quite interesting development.

When she asked me I was even more confused. I mean I like truths more but Paige wouldn't give me that bad of a dare. I mean I don't think she would. I decided to put caution to the wind.

'I dare you to sing all of us a song.'

I freaked. I mean I love singing but not in front of other people. I get terrified! But Paige tells me all the time I should preform. She's the only one I ever sing for. I took a deep breath. People were waiting. I stood up. Paige was smirking. I took another deep breath. Hazel was giving me a look of sympathy. She was one of only 3 people who knew I could sing. Hazel, Paige and Will. I finally found my voice.

'What song?' I whispered.
'How about Girl on Fire?' Leo said before Paige could answer.
We all shot him a look.
'What?' He said.
'How about Time in a Bottle?' Paige asked deathly calm.

Time in a bottle by Jim Croce

If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day
'Til eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then,
Again, I would spent them with you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That your the one I want to go
Through time with

If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered by you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That your the one I want to go
Through tome with

By the time I finished all of the seven were crying. They had seen so much death. You could feel the sadness in the room

All of the sudden the conch shell sounded signaling dinner.
Sean broke the silence by saying 'On that happy note, its dinner time.'

'Hey Travis' I called before he left the arena.
He ran back. 'What?'
'Truth or dare?'
He didn't hesitate 'dare!'
I gave him my best evil smile. 'I dare you to start a food fight a dinner.'
And with that I ran away to catch up to the others.

------------------time passing------------------

I was eating my shrimp scampi. My favorite dish from when I was little. When all of the sudden I heard Travis yell 'food fight!'

Everyone just sat there and continued eating.

'I said FOOD FIGHT!'
Everyone ignored him until Chiron finally said 'Travis that behavior has earned you cabin clean up dirty for a month.'

A lot of us laughed. After dinner we all went back to the arena.
'Okay so it's Travis' turn so let's wait till the get back.' Percy said

All of the sudden I got a text. I must of had a strange look on my face because Frank asked me what it said.
'It says that I should ask the seven a question.'
'What question?' Jason asked
'Who is the most powerful demigod?'

(A/n questions will be in a different format that truth or dare. Also comment some questions if you want them answered)

Jason: Well this is easy. It's obviously me
Percy: The what did you just say?!
Jason: Shut up water boy!
Percy: Oh you asked for it *chases Jason so he can fight him*
Piper: Sorry Jason but Percy
Jason: I thought you loved me
Piper: I sorry but did you blow up a volcano?
Hazel: Percy that was you?
Percy: How do you think I got to Ogygia?
Leo: I was just thrown there
Piper: That was just cold
Hazel: Anyway I vote Percy
Frank: Percy
Leo: Percy
Annabeth: The wise decision is to say Percy and I will attack anyone who says otherwise!
Leo: I change my vote to Annabeth
Percy: Run
Jason: I'm really feeling the love you guys

'Well that answers that question.' All of the sudden Travis ran in.
'Hazel truth or dare?'

Wow question are fun. I owe some credit to my brother Sean though. Yes the character is based on him. Anyway thanks for some of the lines for the question IM OUT

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