A Battle

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'What is it?' Percy asked. The last time this happened a bunny rabbit was eating the grass in the forest. Grover thought it was a monster.

'Is it another ferocious ball of fluff?' I asked positive that it was.

Grover looked at me dead in the face. 'It's worse. It's Empousi.'

There was stunned silence. It needed to be broken.

'So anybody up for some monster killing?'

--------------------------------------Time skip that ships Solangelo and Frazel -----------------------------------------------------

In the end us seven, Nico, Reyna, and Paige came. Paige had asked to come sense she was such a good fighter. I was profusely against it but it's hard to say no to her. I think Piper has been giving her lessons in charmspeak. If that's even possible.

We put on our armor and snuck into the woods.

'Guys!' Piper whispered. We all looked where she was pointing. Right there, by Zeus's fist, was 10 empousi.

'The logical thing to do is have two people go against two empousi each. That was if one person is screwed the other can help." Annabeth said.

'That's a good idea.' Hazel said

'Ok so Percy and Annabeth, Frank and Hazel, Paige and Leo, Reyna and Nico, and Piper and I.' Said Jason

'Ya that's fine but in other news, I think they made us.' I said gesturing behind me to the approaching empousi.

'Spilt up you guys!' Percy yelled

We jumped up and diverted the monsters into 5 groups. I lit myself and my choice of weapon-a spear- on fire.

I then threw my spear and watched it hit the empousi in the shoulder and pulled out my archimedes sphere. I tried to rewire it to become a catapult to throw some greek fire at them.

I caught a glance a the scene next to me. Annabeth and Percy were holding their swords and slashing at the monsters. After Tartarus Annabeth had me make her a sword so she would still have a weapon.

Hazel was most likely manipulating the mist because there was walls trapping the monsters and a dragon- which was most likely Frank- and pillars that were moving around within the walls.

Piper looked like she was trying to out charmspeak one of the empousi. Jason was flying around summoning lightning and slashing the other.

Nico was trying to catch his breath after he most likely summoned a few Roman soldiers to fight.  Reyna was ordering them and fighting at the same time.

I was almost done rewiring when I looked up. Paige had defeated one empousi but she was clearly injured. I finished rewiring and pushed a few buttons. Then I put the greek fire on it and was about to launch when I heard a scream

Cliffhanger hahahahaha. I'm so evil.

No I'm not that mean. Onward with the story.

I looked up and saw something I never wanted to see. Paige was badly  injured when she jabbed her dual swords though the empousi's heart.

It exploded into dust and Paige said 'If I'm going down, you're going down with me.'
The she collapsed.

All of the empousi were dead so Jason ran up, picked Paige up bridal style and flew to the infirmary.

By the time we got there Paige was already in surgery. I knew this because I asked the Aphrodite girl at the front desk.

Then I realized, I didn't feel worried for a person I loved. I was worried for my best friend. I never loved Paige. I have always loved Calypso. I will always love Calypso. (Caleo fans unite!)

Will then came out with an unreadable look on his face.

'How is she?' Percy asked
'She's unconscious but steady. You can visit her now.'

Percy and Annabeth rushed down the hall. Everyone else left except me. I sat there stunned by my recent realization. What was I going to do? Before I knew it Percy was leaving the infirmary meaning I could go see her now.

So Caleo fans what do you think?? Am I forgiven?? Well that's all I got. IM OUT

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