Well this is Awkward...

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Leo's POV

As soon as Percy told me I was off. But as I approached the big house I started sweating. What do you say to a person who is technically still your girlfriend but you have realized that you love someone who used to be your girlfriend?

I walked up the big house steps and opened the door making my way to the infirmary. I swear the infirmary is like the Tardis. It looks small before you open the door but WOW is it large.

I made my way to Paige's room and opened the door...
There, I saw the last thing I had ever thought I would see...

Paige was talking to a son of Apollo- I think his name was Josh- with pure love in her eyes. She was laughing her musical laugh that I had only heard once or twice. The guy leaned in and kissed her. She didn't pull away. I had expected myself to feel jealous but apparently I had basically no more romantic feelings towards her because I felt nothing but happiness because she finally seemed happy.

But because I really needed to talk to her I cleared my throat.

Sorry for my absence and this very short chapter! I just have no inspiration for this story and yes I know that's the lamest excuse ever. If anyone has any suggestions or anything just comment. Well that's all for now. IM OUT

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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