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Things never seem to go as planned. It would be nice if they did. But heroes can never really get that lucky. They always have to pull some 'against all odds' bullshit and come together as a team.

Well, Zarkon was dead, but there'd been some other casualties that weren't planned.


"All Paladins to your lions! Approaching Zarkon's ship." Allura called over the speaker.

Lance was on Blue within moments, though he barely made it down what with how little strength he'd had.

They were in battle the moment they left their hangars, lasers flying. Each lion weaving through the air with expert precision, especially Keith's, who the Galra couldn't seem to be able to get a lock on.

Lance tried to clear his head, fully delving into battle mode. He froze enemy ships and Hunk crashed through them, shattering them. All the while drawing nearer to Zarkon.

Lance's coughing had grown more frequent but he didn't care enough to wipe the blood from his lips and chin now. Tiny speckles of the red liquid laid rampant across his control board.

Pidge weaved through ships crushing them with vines, her cloaking giving her an element of surprise.

Every Paladin was fighting voraciously, waiting for them moment when Shiro would call out 'Form Voltron!'

A planet had been in their firing zone, they couldn't divert his attention anywhere else, they tried to save the people.

It was just ash now.

Who exactly were they defending?


Zarkon's ship drew nearer to a planet they'd been trying to lead him away from. But given they'd went and sought out him, he led them.

Once the castle was sure they could deal with what fighters were left Shiro yelled the command, form Voltron.

Usually the team was so in sync it took mere seconds. This time, however, Lance couldn't concentrate, his thoughts were fuzzy and scattered. He bit the inside of his cheek and closed his eyes, in order to clear his mind.

As soon as Voltron formed their contender made an appearance. Zarkon himself in a large suit of armor, one that looked as if it could rival Voltron.

He led them down to the surface of the planet, using their care for others against them, and landing several shots while they tried to protect the people.

"Form shield!" They stuck it into the ground in order to provide a barrier for the town but then all defences were down.

"Form shoulder cannon!" The cannon formed shooting out an array of beams of light, striking the prior Black Paladin but nothing seemed to be working. What was worse, his suit seemed to be taking its energy directly from the planet. Under his feet the surface started to whither.

Every step he took stole more from the planet. How exactly were they supposed to rival that sort of power?

"Nothing's phasing him. Retreat, perhaps he'll follow." Keith offered an idea.

"Oh yeah! And then form that one big glowy blue sword." Hunk added, the actual name escaping him.

"Alright." They took off leading him away from the planet, and apparently just on time because the planet collapsed inward then exploded outward.

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