Sylys Rose

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*disclaimer I don't own any of the pictures*

I woke from another dream of him. I still have no clue who this man of my dreams is. I just wished to know him. I had to draw another picture of him I use to ask my parents about him if they knew who he was or why I dreamed of him every night. There even times I could see him behind my lids whenever I closed my eyes. I had a feeling my parents knew who he was. I couldn't understand why they wouldn't​ tell me. All they would say was "It's just a dream dear" and go on with whatever they were doing. These last dreams of my sweet prince had me worried. All I seen was his face covered in blood and I could see pain in his eyes. I layed in my large canopy bed staring up at the ceiling thinking of one of the many stories my mother told me when I was little. Of the time her best friend Cordelia was taken from this world of a broken heart, of the pain she felt. Thats the pain I saw in his eyes. I decided to get out of bed, and begin my day. I slowly made my way to the balcony off my bedroom. I looked over the city where I live. My castle home made of ivory, Gold and silver lined with precious gems, but beyond that horizon I could see darkness filled with stuff of nightmares. I wonder to myself where my prince could be if he could be beyond that horizon. I wished he was here with me holding me in his arms. I heard my mother come into my bedroom.

"Sylys, dear are you up" she called. I went back into my room to see her looking at the latest drawing I did.

"Yes mom, I'm up what can I do for you this morning" I answered.

"I see you're dreaming again" she said. I heard my father let out a angry sigh. He never liked the idea of me having dreams of a man.

"I don't know what you mean mom I never stopped dreaming of him" I sighed. Taking the picture from her and putting it with the number of others I've done, all of him. "Do you know him mom" I asked yet again. When she didn't answer I looked back at her. I could see she wanted to answer me, but wouldn't to appease my father. Who was just outside my bedroom. Father was never the hands on type raising children was women's job.

"I came to let you know your father and I are going on a trip" she smiled changing the topic. I sighed and nodded. She gave me a quick hug and left. I looked into my full length mirror I take in my long curly blonde hair violet eyes. Something outside my large windows catches​ my attention. For some reason the darkness seems closer then normal. Like something or someone was drawing me there. I go and change into my white pants . Floor length white coat, and knee length boots, and went to investigate. Being half angel I have large white feather wings. My mom is an angel my father is a elf. The elf king to be precise. I take more after mom. Some say I'm to pretty to be a boy. It isn't normal I fly but did today. As I flew I wondered what I would find once I reached the boundary of my homeland. I knew it was wrong I can't count how many times my father told me to never cross the border. I just had to find out why I was drawn to the land of darkness. As I come closer I hesitate, but I must go on I must find the answer Maybe it's my prince. I landed on my side of the boundary and paced the line of trees that separated my world and the world of shadow. Trying to make myself take that last step.

"Do it" I command myself and took the last step determined to get my answer.

As I do I'm filled with the feeling of dread and despair. I turn to go back when I hear a voice.

"Sylys" it whispered I turn back to see no one there it repeated my name again. "The one you seek also searches for you" it continued.

"Who are you" I asked confused but there was no response. I looked around trying to figure out where this voice came from there wasn't anyone near by. No one from the light side would come over the line or even close to it. I did have the overwhelming feeling I was being watched and the pulling feeling was stronger and getting stronger by the minute. Unsure which way to go I stood there like an idiot. I should of planned this out better. "Sylys" the same voice called this time it came from in front of me. " Follow my voice and it will lead you to your answer" I'm not that stupid.

"How do I know your not leading me to my death" I asked. Maybe I am stupid I am talking to a voice, Or losing my mind.

"Do as I say child of the light. You're not in danger if I wished to harm you I would of by now". Still unsure whether to trust a voice on the wind, but not wanting to lose the chance to find my prince. So I followed the voice, I kept getting the feeling that I should turn around and go home. That this wasn't a good idea. Suddenly the scenery around me changed from cold, dark, and lonely. To bright warm and my prince standing a few feet away under a cherry tree. With cherry blossoms falling around him reaching his hand out to me and a sweet smile on his lips. Wanting nothing more then to be in his arms. My heart thundering in my ears at the anticipation of this long awaited union. When it all changed again from my sweet prince beckoning me to come to him. With the sweet look of love in his eyes to dark cold eyes and covered in blood people I knew and loved dead at his feet. I still wanted to go to him I still loved him no matter what. Even if the blood of my family and friends dripped from him. "Please I love you I want to be at your side" I begged. Yet again the scenery changed to the cold, dark lonely forest. In tears I dropped to my knees I refused to believe that my prince could do something so cruel and evil. That he was a soulless demon he appeared to be in my vision. "It's what can happen if you don't stay where you are. He's coming to you" the voice said. So I sat and waited​.

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