Pregnant (Sylys)

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It's been a 5 months since Niko was taken by Marah a demented demon set out to kill Zephyr and torture me. She mistaken Niko for me. Zed was still out looking for him Now we had Declan, My dad and half the royal guard Mom was here at our grove. I was now very pregnant and showing. Zephyr barley left my side when he did it wasn't far and he never left the protected grove. I feared if we did get Niko back he would be broken or worse she actually kill him. I've heard stories about her from Ella Declan's wife who was also staying here the house was getting crowded. I was hiding out in mine and Zephyr's room trying to get some alone time. Of course it didn't take long for Zephyr to come find me.

"Hey my Angel" he smiled. I just sighed and gave a half smile.

"Is something wrong" he asked coming and sitting next to me on the couch we had in our room.

"Just I came up here to be alone for abit" I answered.

"Oh I'm sorry" he said and left I could tell I hurt his feelings that wasn't my intention. I'll apologize later. I went and took a nice warm bath. I feel asleep the next thing I remember was Zephyr shaking me awake I seen the panic and worry in his eyes and heard it in his voice when he called my name. I realized the water was cold now.

"I'm sorry Zephyr I fell asleep" I yawned.

"It's alright my Angel, your mom came up to see if you were hungry and said there was no answer. So I came up when I didn't see you laying in bed I freaked out. With Marah still on the loose and she still has Niko. I feared she got in again and took you" He said. I reached up and caressed his face.

"I love you Zephyr" I smiled then suddenly pulled him into the tub with me. He started to complain. but I silenced him with a hard kiss.
We both looked at the bathroom door when mom peeked I assumed when I pulled him in it made a lot of noise. Mom left quickly I could hear her laughing. Zephyr stood I started to complain but he picked me up.

"The water is freezing I'm taking you to our bed" he smiled.

"I'm sorry for earlier, I just wanted a few minutes alone. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings" I said. as he carried me to our bed.

"I know my Angel. It's fine I understand" he said stripping off his soaking wet clothes once I was laying in bed.

"You don't think anyone will hear us and come investigate" I asked.  He went and locked the door.

"There now no one else can get in" he said and came back to bed with me.

Meanwhile.... Niko P.O.V.

I can take whatever this bitch throw at me. She thought I was Sylys, and I would keep her thinking that I didn't want her to find out differently and go get him. Not that he couldn't handle this I knew if she found out he was pregnant she would do everything in her power to end the baby's life, and I would never forgive myself for that. I could break out of her web that was holding me if I really wanted, but I had to buy my time. I knew Sage wouldn't give up she would come find me or send someone. I also knew once the rest of the guard found out they would come looking. I lost track of time she had me held up underground somewhere. Then I heard a lot of commotion going on above my head. She appeared in front of me.

"Looks like your lover found you to bad I have to kill you"She smiled wickedly I just smirked seeing a few of the guard behide her now. They grabbed her just before she went to stab me in the temple. I broke myself lose. Once they had her bound and I knew she wouldn't be able to ever get loose. I bent down and looked her in the eyes

"By the way Bitch....I'm Not Sylys" I said giving her a smile

"You lie" she spat....."Gag her she can cast curses" I said and walked away Jorie one of the guards handing me a bottle of water and a blanket. Once up in the light I saw King Dominic and Zed.
Now it made since why she thought Zephyr was here from a distance he could be mistaken for Zephyr.

"Niko how are you" King Dominic asked.

"I've been better, How about you, and Zed" I asked sitting down I was tired and hungry and majorly needed a bath. and maybe a bit of medical care. One of the doctor that work at the castle came over. and began giving me a check up.

"Let's get you home" Zed said actually coming over and picking me up. I passed out

Next thing I remember I was laying in my bed at the cabin Sylys sitting next to the bed washing my face with a cloth.

"Hey you how are you feeling" he asked

"hungry and thirsty" I answered weakly.

"Ok Zephyr will get you something" he said looking up that's when I seen Zephyr standing close to the door he didn't look happy.

"You don't have to take care of me. I can see your husband doesn't like it" I said seeing his very round belly.

"Yes I do, Zephyr will get over it we both owe you. If she would of got me she would of killed our baby. He knows this I know this, and he's not unhappy that I'm taking care of you. He is unhappy at what she did to you and knows that it could of been me" he said tear streaming down his face. ribbing his belly.

"Hey don't cry" I said. "Where's Sage" wanting to change the subject.

"She's personally making sure Marah is taken care of and can never come for us or do this to anyone else. Besides you needed a bath and I figured you wouldn't want your little sister to do it"  he said.

"So who did" I asked.

"Me and Zephyr...well he held you up and I washed you. Umm she cut your wings off" He frowned

"I know it's fine.Dont worry about it ok just take care of yourself and that baby. I did it for him or her" I said placing my hand on the top of his belly. Just my luck Zephyr walked with a tray with a bowl of soup and a glass of water. right beside him was the doctor. He sighed but didn't say anything. Just sat the tray on my lap when I managed to sit up.

Sylys moved so the doctor could get next to me and give me another check up.

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