(unknown demon)

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Demons do not like celestials they've been at war with each other for many eons. Rarely there are a years of peace.  During one decade of peace a demon met, married, and sired a child with a human woman. It's not unheard of most time it goes unnoticed most demons don't care, but this child didn't for the fact he fell in love with a celestial. A half celestial but a celestial none the less. That can not happen. Out of all the creatures he could of chosen to love he choose a angel. What if their was a child that came from such a union. That could cause chaos. Even the down fall off the whole demon race. No that can't happen, I don't know why the Demon Lord wouldn't just allow me to kill the demon or even the celestial. I was told to stay away from them. So like a good guard dog I did as ordered. Now they are both grown and worse off together and at a well known sorcerer's home which is highly protected. I decided to sit outside the house and wait. There was no way I would get in. Declan is highly skilled and every demon knows not to mess with him. Even the most powerful demon would have a problem getting into that house. The problem was what if he decided to use a teleportation spell and send them to some place where I can't reach like a celestial realm. Good thing is I know they wouldn't allow this type of relationship either. For now all I can do is wait and watch. Shit Declan preformed a bonding spell on the two wonderful now I have no choice I will have to kill them both. Before they have a chance to seal the bond and mate. If the celestial gets pregnant even though he's a male apparently can still get pregnant. When a celestial is pregnant they are very powerful and will stop at nothing to protect themselves and their unborn child. If one were to get pregnant with a demon child. That could spell disaster for all who try to try to stop it. Quickly I gathered all the demons I knew who would want to end this union to storm the house. I knew with the amount of power Declan had it wasn't going to be easy. Even with 20 or more demons on my side. Didn't help matters when the demon Lord's didn't care and we were all told just leave it be let things go as they are. I had the feeling he wanted it to happen though had no clue why. When asked he'd shrug it off and say the demon boy is only half blood and so is the celestial. The child's blood if there is one would unclean. I didn't like the idea of even being a chance so im taking them out before.

* Again no name for this demon. Life has been busy in the process of moving. So updates maybe very slow... Thanks for all the votes, comments and followers 925 at time of this update...still hoping for 1000.....love you all thanks for the inspiration to keep writing. I'm not professional. Nor any of the pictures are mine just pics I found on the net don't remember all the sites*

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