My Angel (Zephyr)

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I could of stayed on that private island with Sylys for the rest of my life. He on the other hand was missing the finer things in life. I feared someone would separate us. When we returned I kept as close to Sylys as I could.  We went to a smaller town which made me feel a bit better. There wasn't as many people so I didn't  have to watch everyone that got close to us, but I felt exposed also we couldn't hide within the crowd like in Istiolyn. We stayed at a nice little Inn the couple who ran it was very nice. They thought Sylys was a elf. We tryed to keep to ourselves but that didn't work. It's about a week since being there at the Inn it was quiet too quiet.

"Zephyr please calm down we're safe here" Sylys pleaded with me. I've been pacing our room and looking out the window and checked the locked door more times then I could count.

"I'm sorry my Angel, but I can't have this over whelming feeling something wrong" I said. Then just as I said that our room got dark. I reached out and took Sylys hand. He stepped closer to me then the darkness alerted and there stood my father. I sighed partly in anger partly in relief.

"Father seriously, can't you just be normal for once and knock." I said angerly.

"I'm sorry Son, but this time was necessary" He said as he stepped to the side and revealed Evie, Sylys' Mother.

"Mom" Sylys asked confused.

"Hey baby" She smiled she looked just like I remembered.

"You're not separating us" Sylys said panicked wrapped his free hand on my bicep and pressed his self against me.

"Is that why you brought her father" I shouted.

"No, Zephyr please listen to me I'm not here to come between you or separate the two of you. I came to warn you both Dom found out he has scouts out looking for you. He gave them one of Sylys' pictures he drew of you and told them to kill you on sight and bring Sylys back unharmed" Evie said

"No he can't, Why would he do that" Sylys asked

"He can and he did, Niko is here in Lans. I did everything I could I told him this was your choice and to let you live your life the way you want. He tryed to kill me. I was able to contact Zed. We both think he's possessed" She frowned.

"And Dear ol'father brought you to us" I asked

"I am sorry Zephyr, we both agreed you two needed to know" Father said.

"Thanks, so who is this Niko you mentioned Evie" I asked.

"He's dad's top guard" Sylys answered.

"He's  more then that Sy he's a celestial also he's  learned a spell to make himself appear as an Elf the illusion  is so good even the best spellcasters can't tell" Evie said

"Great, is he all we need to worry about" I asked we could stay ahead of a celestial I have friends here in the darklands that will help us. Father gave her a look like to keep quiet.

"Tell us Mom, Tell us what you saw what's going to happen" Sylys said before I had a chance to say something.

"There's something good coming to you both but there is also darkness coming I can't see what the darkness is." she said

"What's the good thing" I asked

"You've grown so much since I last seen you. I was sad to see you go but all the visons I was getting showed you had to go to grow and be stong to protect Sylys when the two of you did meet again, and Sy I'm sorry I couldn't tell you who the man was you dreamed of and drew. Somethings are better when you discover them for your own" She smiled.

"Well now what are we traveling together for awhile" I asked.

"No, were going to try leading Niko on a wild goose chase" Father said

"How" both Sylys and I asked Father did a quick spell on Evie made her look male which if I didn't know better she pass as Sylys from a distance.

"Thanks to both of you we won't be staying here anymore were moving on" I smiled.

"Go here it for both of you it's spell protected the magic word is on the scroll" Father said handing me a rolled up map scroll.

"Thanks Love you" Sylys said and they left through the door.

"Now what Zephyr" Sylys asked

"Well we have to go and as quickly as we can. We don't have to go straight to the safe spot Father gave us. We can travel a bit I can show you where I lived like I promised I would" I said turning and pulled him into a hug.

"I would like that I was sheltered all my life. Dad wouldn't let me go outside the castle" he said.

"I know my Angel. We can stay here tonight I think it's safe enough" I smiled and kissed him.

"I think it will be best if we go in an hour or two. I know Niko he won't be fooled for long" he said.

"Ok let's pack our things and go"I said As soon as we had all our things packed we left the back way and headed to the tiny village where I lived after I was forced to leave him.

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