Something wrong with Sylys (Zephyr)

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We've been here in our home that Father gave us for a month now. It's been fairly quiet though Sylys and I have only went out of the protective barrier once. We normally send Niko out for supplies or Father who has came and went at least 3 times. Even Evie and Dominic has came stayed a couple days. Dominic apologized to both Sylys and me. He even sent more guards which Sylys sent back. The last few days He's been acting different. He been sleeping a lot. and barley eats and when he does he throws it back up. Today he seemed depressed and when I asked him if he was feeling ok he snapped at me and went to our room. I went looking for Niko who was sitting outside.

"Niko" I called he and I weren't exactly friends but we didn't fight either. We mostly advioded each other.

"Hey Zephyr what's up" he asked.

"You said your sister is an expert at possessions, Right?" I asked

"Yes she is why do you ask" he answered giving me a weird look.

"Well I don't know if you've noticed Sylys is acting strange, and I fear Marah got to him when we went out 2 weeks ago. I was hoping you could get your sister here and check him out" I said

"Aren't you demons supposed to be able to tell if another is on or in their territory or whatever" He asked.

"Not all can. Will you bring her or not If not for me for Sylys....Please" I said he looked at me like I grew an extra head or something. I sighed and started to walk away. Maybe I'll just ask Father, but I hated asking him for anything.

"I can get Sage here tomorrow morning. Will that be ok" Niko asked.

"Yes, Thank you" I looked back at him and gave a smile.

"Anything for Sylys, and maybe you'll  learn to trust me maybe even talk to me now and then" He said.

"I let you stay here don't I and I came and asked you a favor right" I asked.

"Yes" he answered

"Well if I didn't trust you. You wouldn't be here let alone would I ever ask you to bring your sister" I said and walked away. Went up to see if Sylys would talk to me. He was sitting at the desk in our room. He looked up at me but didn't say anything.He was drawing looked to be a picture of me.

"I'm sorry my Angel" I said I didn't want to upset him.

"What for you didn't do anything wrong, I'm the one who should apologise." he said and stood and hugged me.

"It's alright. Umm don't be mad but I asked Niko to bring his sister here and have her check you out" I said quickly

"Sage, why her?" he asked

"I just want to make sure your Ok. Marah was able to get to your dad. I want to make sure she didn't get to you. It just seems odd she hasn't tryed anything and seems to disappered" I answered

"Fine, I've being feeling off. and I'm proud of you trusted Niko enough to ask him a favor. You'll like Sage. She sweet though I should warn you she a looks like a little girl" he said.

"Niko said he can have her here in the morning. Would you like to try eating something, Or would you like to go to sleep" I asked picking up the drawing he just finished. It looked like me but was slightly off

"I'll try to eat something" he answered

"Looks like we're going to have to get you more paper" I smiled.

"I would like that. I don't know who he is" he said.

"You mean he's not me" I asked

"No his eyes aren't right, but I keep dreaming of him. I felt like I needed to draw him and don't know why. Sorry" he frowned.

"Don't be you can't control your dreams" I smiled and we went down to the kitchen and had some soup. I was really worried about him who was this stranger who looked like me that he was dreaming of was it something that Marah was doing. Making him dream of this guy to try to get him feel like he can trust him only for him to hurt him or worse kill him.

I need to find her and kill her before she hurts my angel.

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