(unknown celestial)

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The one thing we celestials can't allow is a union between one of us and a demon. It was my job to make sure that never happened. I was to do everything within my power to separate the two even if that meant killing one or both. Typically the higher ups only wanted me to separate them first. The less blood shed the better but sometimes it called for it. I didn't like taking anyone's life even a Demon's even less so of a celestial. I did my job as asked, when asked. Never once have I ever questioned a job. Until I got orders to separate a young half demon and a even younger half celestial. I mean the half celestial was a baby. I didn't agree with taking a child's life nor separating them, but I had orders. So I just made the young half Demon's human mother question her demon husband. Made her believe he was cheating on her even though he wasn't, but got so good with the manipulation that he actually did. Which broke the mother's heart and she died. It was a mess. The half celestial's elven father who is the elven king passed a law and banished all demons from his lands this included his young son's heart bond. His mother didn't agree even fought to at least allow the half demon to stay being he was her best friend's son and she lost her she didn't want to lose the son also, but the elven king made up his mind. It seemed to work. For years I kept an eye on both boys now men. Kept the half demon blind made him forget where the half celestial was. The half celestial was easy he was so young he didn't even remember. Then  he began drawing pictures of the half demon. Apparently he was dreaming of him. I couldn't stop that I had no power over the dream world. That was a Demon's realm. I got a job at the castle to keep a closer eye on the prince. His father was still dead set against him ever learning about the demon. His mother on the other hand wasn't so easy she didn't agree and felt they should be together, and hated ling to her son about even knowing the demon. Would only tell him it was only a dream. Eventually he stopped asking about the demon he dreamed about and drew pictures of. I thought for sure he would move on and find a celestial or maybe even a elf heart bond. Then one day out of the blue his mother decided to get her husband and go on a trip. It was weird because once they left the prince disappeared. I traced him to the boundary then he went beyond the boundary where I couldn't track him anymore. Then once he returned he was carrying a unconscious demon. The same demon I've been working on trying to keep him away. I wasn't fast enough to separate them again they both disappeared back into the demon side of the boundary. Wonderful the council isn't going to be happy about this. They might even make me go there and get the prince back and kill the demon. Which now was the only way to insure that they aren't together, or even worse create a child together. If that happens it could mean war between celestials and demons.

* Note: he\she needs a name and haven't decided whether he/she is truly a enemy or becomes a friend and helps them...*
Sorry for the slow update life is been busy..and head wasn't in the right mind frame to write.... Think I'm back.....lol...love you all...comments, votes and followers 919 so for still hoping for 1000 *

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