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At Overwatch HQ Winston, Torbjörn, and Mercy were developing theories about a portal seen in the sky above Nimbani. They were trying to figure out what made it appear, how to safely see what's inside and how to control its power. They were discussing whether if it was caused by the other side or if it was from something that this side of the portal did. Meanwhile ,in the TF2, universe at the company Red Bread the Engineer and the Medic were discussing the portal seen in 2fort. They were 99% sure that the Australium that was used in Saxton Hale's new portal gun from MannCo was causing this. "Medic call up Miss Pauling. Tell her to start doing some research. It could mean new weapons which could mean we might finally win the war." Medic ran to the phone and told Miss Pauling. "Scout get in here now. I got something you and Heavy need to do."yelled Engineer. "Yo you got it" replied Scout. Scout and Heavy ran to MannCo and brought Saxton Hale to Red Bread to discuss the portal gun with Miss Pauling. After a while the two showed up and started discussing the new gun. "Mr Hale this new gun of yours not only will you be arrested for traveling to other dimensions without a permit and the fact that doing it at all is illegal. Give me the gun and I can dispose of it properly and do scientific research so that you can get richer and punch some panthers."said Miss Pauling. "Well I do like getting rich and punching panthers. Okay it's a deal!" Hale handed the gun to Pauling whom handed it to Engineer. Back at Overwatch HQ Winston had Athena analyze the portal's properties. Then all of a sudden another portal opened at King's Row. "Tracer"Winston yelled over the PA system"get to King's Row with Mercy and Reaper. The portal has reopened there. We need to investigate it." Reaper groaned but didn't object while Mercy and Tracer were preparing to go to King's Row. Symmetra entered the lab were Winston was working on the portal crisis. "What's all this Winston?"asked Symmetra. "I'm working on a portal crisis. A portal that isn't one of yours and can lead to a big problem if it's not properly taken care of."said the genius gorilla. "Oh" said Symmetra a little taken back at what could lead to another Omnic Crisis. "So far what do we know about the portal?"asked Symmetra. "Not much."replied Winston."I sent Mercy,Tracer,and Reaper to gather some information." Symmetra then felt a little worry but a little bit of relief to know that something was going to be figured out soon. At King's Row the portal had green sparks of electricity spewing from it. "Winston, luv, are you there?"asked Tracer. "What is it Tracer?"asked Winston. "The portal's spewing some kind of green electricity. It's a bit freaky."said Tracer "Mercy is analyzing it as best she can luv."she continued. Winston then told the time-traveling British women to give Mercy time and to not touch the portal. Back at Red Bread Pyro was playing with a lighter,near where the portal was, when he saw the Engineer's blueprints for a new flamethrower,one that could burn people in flame-proof suits. He grabbed the blueprints and went to find the Engineer. However Engineer and Medic were working on a way to find out what's on the other side of the portal. "So if ve throw ze teleporter exit into the portal as it self builds itself..."Medic started to say. "We could teleport into wherever the portal leads to!" Engineer exclaimed. Just then Pyro bursts through the door. "Mmmphh mph" said Pyro as he always had. He then started pointing to the blueprints of the new flamethrower. Engineer then said to Pyro"Pyro show me where you got these blueprints. I didn't create this. Pyro then grabbed Engineer's hand and dragged him to the portal. Back in the Overwatch universe Mercy sent blueprints of a flamethrower that could pierce fire-proof suits through the portal. "The blueprints have a small tracking device on them so that we can see if their is life on the other side of the portal. If the tracker sends a signal we know that there is life on the other side. We just won't know if it's human life."Mercy said to Torbjörn. Torbjörn then said" Why don't we send it blueprints of a computer?" Then Torbjörn went to Mei. "Mei you wouldn't happen to have a machine that can detect temperatures and places with that temperature would you?" He asked. Mei responded by saying"No I don't but can't you build one using this." Mei gave him a special thermometer that had a slot for a chip that could graph the world. Back at Red Bread Pyro was grabbing all his equipment. He and Soldier were going to go through the portal. Soldier grabbed his original rocket launcher, his shotgun, his bloodiest pickaxe and brought one of Medic's medi guns. Then they went through the portal with the blueprints in hand. Demoman even gave Soldier a bottle of scrumpy in case they don't come back. As the two mercs went through the portal they saw a somewhat futuristic city. Then the 5 people started to stare at each other.

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