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"I made the gun to bring you together. This will make destroying you so much easier."said Grey Mann with many robots and Talon soldiers behind him.

"I made a deal with Talon;they give me MannCo I give them Overwatch. But they also must destroy you all. So I will be taking my company and they will be taking you!"said Grey.

Everyone had an expression of anger and fear. Team Fortress didn't know what Talon could do. And Overwatch didn't know what the robot mercs could do. Everyone decided to go back to Overwatch HQ. Right before they all went into the portal Scout took the portal gun and jumped into the portal.

"Nice job grabbing the gun,mate"said Sniper to Scout as he was tossing a jar of Jarate as if it were a baseball.

Scout nodded in response. He had closed the portal when escaping Grey Mann. Then the portal gun was put down into the care of Torbjörn as he tried to see if they could make the portal appear in MannCo. Everyone else was socializing(for lack of better words). Eventually everyone started to actually socialize instead of making small talk. Heavy and Zarya were discussing current Russian technology. Torbjörn asked Engineer for help on the portal gun. Soldier was training with Pharah. Pyro was just playing with a lighter. Sniper and Hanzo were practicing their sharp-shooting. Sniper was wielding his best bow:the Huntsman. Scout ,Tracer and Lúcio were seeing who was the fastest. Spy and Sombra were discussing about updating the electro-sapper. Medic and Mercy were talking about possibly performing surgery on the Overwatch team to do Über transplants and upgrading the Caduceus Staff. Demoman and Junkrat were discussing alternate types of bombs that they would like to use.
Eventually Medic,Mercy,Winston,Engineer,and Torbjörn came to a solution. They found out that the Team Fortress universe had the exact same layout of their earth in 1972. They got a map from Spy. They went to where MannCo would've if it still existed in the Overwatch world. But then they found out that there was an army of robot mercs. Then they made a plan. Demoman,Junkrat,Pharah,and Soldier used all their rockets and bombs to make a giant explosion. Then they entered the giant building that stood before them. Spy and Sombra infiltrated and disabled the security cameras. Then Talon soldiers were wandering about. MCree,Tracer,Reaper and Soldier 76 took out the guards. Sniper,Ana,Widowmaker,and Hanzo were hanging outside. All the windows were open and the snipers were ready to kill on sight. Back in the building there was enough Robot Heavies and Medics to be the population of Texas. Mercy and Medic were using their weapons to raise Heavy's attack and health. Pyro started to melt the robots with a flamethrower that Engineer and Torbjörn upgraded. Torbjörn built a turret and Engineer built a sentry. Then after the robots were reduced to a pond worth of melted metal and scraps everywhere the group continued. Sniper shot a Talon agent in between the eyes. Ana shot Mercy, to heal her. On the 7th floor of the building the group made a diversion. Mei and Pyro shot a beam of ice and fire respectively. This caused smoke to emerge. All the robots and Talon soldiers were confused and started shooting randomly. After the team ran through the fog they were on the 8th floor. There were two Talon soldiers and a army of normal robots and giant robots. Widowmaker and Hanzo shot the two members of Talon.

Then Pyro started to mumble"mph mmph mmmmmph mph mmmph mmmmmmph mmph mph mmmph mmmmmmmph mph mmmmmph. Mph mmmmph!"

All the Overwatch agents just looked at Pyro in confusion,but everyone that was part of Team Fortress agreed with Pyro. Then Spy explained.

"What Pyro said was that instead of killing the robots, we could have the robots and cyborgs of Overwatch pretend to take us in and get us to the office room. Personally I've been to the office room and it's on the 10th floor and we are currently on floor 8. Therefore we can have Bastion,Genji,Zenyatta,and Orisa pretend to take us to the owner of the building as prisoners. Then we take out the leader."

Everyone agreed and decided to try the plan. Sombra and Spy,however,decided to use their cloaking devices. The plan worked and the robot mercs didn't suspect a thing. Then they went to the office. No on was their. Then Heavy used the portal gun to go to MannCo. When they went to jump into the portal, some robot mercs appeared. They shot the portal gun and a robot Pyro burnt it. The portal closed and they were trapped in a building. Then they found a black briefcase. It seemed like it could be important. Team Fortress instantly thought back to stealing the BLU team's intelligence. Scout grabbed it in a heart beat. Soldier 76 grabbed the remains of the gun and bolted. Sombra hacked into a robot Scout and had him come with them. Bastion went into Tank mode and destroyed the robots they missed earlier. Zarya fired her gravitation surge. Most of the robots were clumped together. Junkrat used his RIP-Tire and made it explode at the center of the gravitation surge. Mei froze the ceiling and Pyro had Soldier shoot his feet so he could melt the ice,therefore creating water to short circuit the robots.

Meanwhile Sniper tied a jar of Jarate to one of Hanzo's arrows. Hanzo fire above some robots. The Jarate hit the robots and Heavy finished them off. Zenyatta placed a Heal Orb on Medic. Robo-Scout(the robot Scout Sombra hacked) used the Sandman and hit a robot Demoman's head off. Roadhog hooked some robots and shit them. Bastion was in Configuration:Sentry and was killing all robot mercs in sight. Winston bashed two robot Spies together. Reaper used his Death Blossom and took out about 50 robot mercs. Medic healed his teammates as did Mercy, Zenyatta, and Engineer's dispenser. Lúcio gave Engineer a speed boost so he could place a teleporter. He had a teleporter set up at Overwatch HQ. When he placed it he upgraded it to level 3. Pyro took out the Powerjack and got a speed boost. Everyone headed to the teleporter. Torbjörn upgraded the teleporter so it could carry multiple people at once. When everyone got their Torbjörn switched it on.

Sombra and Spy quickly destroyed the teleporter entrance and they succeeded. Scout and Robo-Scout were talking about who was better.

Then Scout said "Lets call ya Scott insteada Robo-Scout."


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