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Everyone stared at each other when suddenly Medic came out of the portal. Just then Reaper pulled out his shotguns which sparked a chain reaction if everyone taking out their weapons. Just then Winston asked" Should I send Bastion to help you guys?" "No" responded Tracer. "You future maggots shall tell us what you do here and give us everything we want for America!"yelled Soldier. "Maggots?! I don't like your tone patriot."said Reaper "mph mmph mmmmppph" said Pyro"What did that mumbling abomination say?"asked Reaper. Medic then said"Oh no zis can't be good!" Pyro then took out his flamethrower. "Mmmph mph!" Pyro starting using his flamethrower on Reaper. Reaper started shooting Pyro. Soldier then shot Tracer with his rocket launcher. Medic took back his medi gun but used the syringe gun to shoot Mercy. Mercy started to shoot Medic. "Winston, Bastion wouldn't sound so bad right now luv!"Tracer yelled. "He's on his way!" Winston responded. Reaper shot Pyro in the leg. Medic started to heal Pyro. Solider then shot a rocket directly at Reaper. Mercy resurrected him. Medic used the übercharge on Soldier whom saw Bastion coming. Bastion went into sentry mode and started to shoot Soldier. Soldier went back into the portal and got the other 6 mercs to help them. Engineer set up his sentry and upgraded it to level 3. Scout used his scatter gun on Bastion to distract him. Spy went behind Bastion and used his electro-sapper on the robot. Tracer then yelled at Winston to send over some of the Overwatch agents. "Torbjörn,Junkrat,D.Va,Ana,Sombra, and Mei! Get to the portal. There's a massive fight going on and the other agents need your help. Go now!"said Winston over the PA system. Ana took the long way to King's Row to get to a good sniping point. Junkrat bomb-jumped his way to the portal. The other 4 agents went to King's Row the quickest way they knew. Back at the portal Scout drank some Bonk!-cola and started to get his bat ready as if he was gonna land a grand slam. Pyro shot some flares from his flare gun while Heavy shot from his mini gun. Just then the other Overwatch agents arrived to help the others. Mei shot icicles at Pyro while Demoman shot some bombs at Junkrat. Sniper saw Ana come up to another sniping point so he aimed at her. Luckily for her one of Junkrat's bombs landed near Sniper which propelled him into the air. Sombra started to hack Engineer's sentry which caused the sentry to blow up. As Mei shot another icicle at Pyro he deflected it back at Mei using the air-blast. Then the portal started to shrink. Engineer yelled"Everybody back to Red Bread!" Everyone stopped fighting. Sniper jumped down and broke his right leg. Medic healed it quickly so Sniper could run back to Red Bread. Ana shot Pyro with a sleep dart. Torbjörn fixed Bastion an had him carry Pyro. Heavy threw his sandwich at Pyro so he would wake up right before the portal closed. Pyro jumped out of Bastion's are and ran for the portal. But it closed before he could get inside. This was very bad. Worse than anything Pyro has ever faced before. Pyro was trapped in a foreign world. A world were danger could be anywhere. Ana shot another dart at Pyro. Everything went black. Back at Red Bread Heavy asked"Where is Pyro?" Engineer realized only then that Pyro was missing. "Pyro's on the other side of the portal. He's stuck in the future city!" Everyone started to worry. "Fellas we gotta fix the portal gun so we can save Pyro. Who's in?"asked Engineer. Everyone decided that they would help save Pyro. "Yo Engineer."Scout started to say" Why don't we find out how Hale made this thing. Then we could figgga out how to get back Pyro. Now ain't dat a good plan eh?"said Scout. "That's... actually a good plan Scout!"exclaimed Engineer. Engineer called Hale and said "Mr. Hale there is a rare panda that needs punching. I thought you might want a crack at it. But it will escape the cage soon so hurry." Hale responded by saying" I'll have Bidwell get my plane ready." And just like that their plan was in motion. "How do we know that the gun wasn't purchased by someone else who sold it to Hale? We don't even know if MannCo made it by mistake or not."said Spy as he stopped using his cloaking watch. "It's a risk we have to take for Pyro."replied Engineer. Back at Overwatch HQ Pyro was sitting in a makeshift jail cell created by Torbjörn. "Mmph mmmph! Mmph mmnnph mmmph mph mmphh mmmmmph."exclaimed Pyro. Roadhog and Bastion were guarding the cell. Winston and Mercy were performing test of Pyro to see what creature he is. "So what is it?"asked D.Va outside of her mech. "We're still running tests. He won't take off his suit no matter how hot I gets in there. It is currently 97 degrees in the cell and we are shooting fire at him but he seems to be enjoying it." D.Va then turns to see Pyro clapping happily and mumbling in the same manner. D.Va walked away as Pyro continued to be happy. "I'll continue the tests."Winston said to Mercy"We will find out what he is."

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