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Her blood rapidly coursed through her veins, adrenaline pushing her to go farther, to go faster. Her speed increased to an almost unbelievable amount; she wouldn't have been spotted even if there was anyone in the woods that day. She jumped over a river so effortlessly that she could have been flying. Her fur blew in the wind violently. There was no need to stop, for she didn't even need to catch her breath. It was almost if she didn't need to breathe at all. 

Alas, even runs as wonderful as that one had to come to an end. The large stone castle rose in the distance, and the girl felt the sad impact the sight had on her running. Nevertheless, she continued at a remarkable speed, that is of course up until the border of the woods. She slowed down, and her wolf exterior melted away into the body of a girl with fair skin and breathtaking dark brown hair. Her peaches and cream complexion glowed even after the intensity of a run, and her hair fell into soft curls slightly above her waist. Her gentle hands softly brushed away the dirt on her long dark red dress, and she adjusted the golden tiara on her head. 

The girl corrected her posture before exiting the woods and heading for the metal gates in the back of the palace. This entrance was unknown, therefore she needed not worry about guards questioning her whereabouts or asking if she was alright. The gates creaked ever so slightly when she pushed them open, and just like every other day, she tried to remind herself to find oil to fix the squeal. The dimly lit passage with it's cool stone walls didn't scare her, for she had walked it's path every day for the past eleven years. It sometimes felt more homey to her than inside the castle. 

At the end of the corridor was an old wood door, almost masterfully disguised as a mere pantry in one of the castle's many washrooms. The girl opened the door and stepped through to the clean and organized world that was the castle interior, and she could almost feel her comfortability draining. 

Maids and servants hustled and bustled in the open halls of the castle. Nobody gave her much thought. She headed up the grand staircase towards the east wing of the third floor, where her personal chambers resided. On the way, she was interrupted by a familiar voice. 

"Kiana." her older brother Brooklin called. He elegantly leaned against the banister wearing a devilishly handsome smirk. "Out running I presume?" his eyebrows raised in playful suspicion. 

"Always." she replied, almost laughing. "But you know we cannot discuss this here. If father heard," she trailed off as a servant passed the two siblings."If father heard" Kiana now whispered, "he would have my head. It doesn't matter that I'm his daughter." The tone of the conversation turned dark and Brooklin's lighthearted being turned serious. 

"Kiana, you know that's not true."

"Oh, but it is."

"You could always stop running..." Brooklin stopped himself, instantly regretting his words. 

Kiana softened, knowing that Brooklin didn't mean it. "Brook. You may be able to put that part of you aside, however, I can't. It's who I am. This palace life is who you are, but it's not me." 

"I know, sis. I'm sorry." Kiana nodded in thanks. 

The two of them looked around in case anyone else had heard their secretive conversation. Satisfied with their privacy, the siblings headed their separate ways, Kiana to her chambers and Brooklin to his study. 

"Your highness, you seem exhausted." Kiana's head maid Amrulette said as the princess slumped against her bedroom door. She was old in age, but her heart was as big as they come. She had been Kiana's maid since she was a little girl and knew the princess inside and out. 

"I'm alright. Really, just a little tired." Amrulette nodded sympathetically with a hand on Kiana's arm. 

"Would you like me to draw you a bath, highness?" Kiana nodded and gave Amrulette a hug. Amrulette scurried off and Kiana spun around her room. She sat on the corner of her bed and took off her shoes. Pondering the next twenty-four hours made her sick. 

After a few moments, Amrulette appeared in the washroom doorway. She nodded and smiled as the princess rose and took her hand. Amrulette helped her undress and get into the warm bath. 

"Amrulette," Kiana began, "do you know what will be happening tomorrow?" She needed to talk to someone about how she felt. 

"Yes, yes." Amrulette nodded as she ringed out a washcloth. "Tomorrow is when all the young women come to seek Prince Brooklin." 

Kiana groaned and Amrulette chucked. "I just don't want to lose him. Brooklin is my best friend, and I don't want some ditzy blonde wannabe to take him away from me." She folded her arms grumpily. 

"You and his highness are so close. You will be fine." 

"As if his new duties aren't already enough. He spends all his time in that stupid study of his, reading all the books he can find on the history of our kingdom, and the last war, and 'If you would try to read one Kiana, you would find how interesting our...' blah, blah, blah."

"His highness is to become King soon," 

Kiana groaned once more. She didn't like the idea of her brother marrying, or taking the crown, or any of that. All she wanted was for things to go back to normal, when her brother had more time for her, and when she didn't have to spend every waking moment worrying about him. 

"Dinner is in an hour, your highness." Amrulette warned the princess as she began to doze off in the warm water. Kiana opened her eyes and sat up. "Alright. Let's get ready for dinner then." 

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